Erik Darling, founder of Darling Data, has created these fantastic stored procedures to query SQL Server more efficiently to get health, log, or performance information. I will go through...
2024-02-16 (first published: 2024-01-30)
503 reads
There are plenty of times I’m called upon to fix data. To do this, I must know what dependencies are in the database. Foreign keys are a crucial aspect...
2024-01-17 (first published: 2024-01-02)
168 reads
Building a Terraform module for Azure SQL DB is like packaging your infrastructure magic into a reusable box. It’s the kind of thing that makes your IT life smoother....
2024-01-10 (first published: 2023-12-29)
305 reads
According to Rod Trent, Kusto is named after Jacques Cousteau. He says, “We are exploring the depths of our data” by searching and querying our Azure log data. His...
2024-01-03 (first published: 2023-12-26)
301 reads
I know I can use extended events (xevents) in Azure SQL DB when in SSMS, but I wanted to learn how to use them in Azure Data Studio (ADS)....
2023-12-20 (first published: 2023-11-30)
315 reads
I’m saddened that the Workspace Summary is being deprecated in Log Analytics Workspace. I am trying to reproduce it in workbooks. While it isn’t an exact match, workbooks provide...
2023-12-13 (first published: 2023-11-29)
309 reads
Initially, I thought I would have to use sqlcmd because I’m on a Mac and don’t have SSMS. It turns out Azure Data Studio has a nifty way to...
2023-12-04 (first published: 2023-11-20)
575 reads
With reports hitting the transactional databases, we were encountering performance issues. We needed to choose a path forward that would lighten the load on the prod database servers and...
2023-11-27 (first published: 2023-11-16)
593 reads
One day, I shut down my computer, as I usually do nightly. This time, I shut it down on a Friday and turned it back on after a holiday...
2023-11-17 (first published: 2023-11-03)
172 reads
Yes, you still need to do some work to maintain indexes in Azure SQL Database. This post will walk you through setting up statistic updates and index maintenance using...
2023-11-06 (first published: 2023-10-19)
487 reads