My company is moving from an Azure PostgreSQL single server to a flexible server. We want to set up managed identity/Entra access instead of having roles with passwords for...
2024-09-11 (first published: 2024-09-05)
21 reads
I wanted to migrate some connections without recreating them and wondered how to do that in Azure Data Studio. It turns out to be easy. I post about whatever...
2024-08-28 (first published: 2024-08-12)
199 reads
We talk a lot about data in the data world – imagine that! Sometimes, we talk about data at rest, but when do we all rest? Do we even...
2024-08-12 (first published: 2024-07-30)
164 reads
We are trying to get apps and users off of using SQL accounts to access the Azure SQL DBs where I work. To make our lives easier, we are...
2024-08-05 (first published: 2024-07-25)
309 reads
I did a couple of other posts on Elastic Jobs. But now I want to set them up with Terraform. This aligns with how we create infrastructure where I...
2024-07-31 (first published: 2024-07-19)
144 reads
I love QuickieStore, but I wanted some columns to be at the front end of the results returned. Namely, I wanted top_waits, query_sql_text, and query_plan right after database name....
2024-07-15 (first published: 2024-07-03)
273 reads
After a data migration, we needed to decommission the old Azure SQL DBs, but we wanted to keep a copy in case we needed anything later. Enter exporting an...
2024-07-03 (first published: 2024-07-02)
103 reads
Where I work, we will be migrating data from one set of databases into another. I will be making a copy of the destination databases to allow us to...
2024-07-10 (first published: 2024-06-25)
332 reads
A couple of weeks ago, a developer came to me and wanted to know how to figure out what was causing a deadlock. I honestly didn’t know where to...
2024-07-03 (first published: 2024-06-14)
41 reads