Blog Post

Article of the Week – SQL Server 2008 T-SQL Enhancements


I have been following this series of articles since the first article was published on SQLServerCentral.  The author, Arshad Ali, has written several articles on SQL Server 2008 T-SQL Enhancements.  The latest of the five articles was one of the featured articles on Monday, August 31st (  Arshad not only provides a very extensive list of the enhancements, but he also provides a detailed explanation of each topic and provides examples. 

The latest installment in the series highlights the Spatial Data Type.  Since I work for an outdoor advertising company, geospatial data is crucial to our daily data needs.  As a result, I have begun researching and testing certain aspects of this feature.  Arshad provides a few examples that I will definitely add to my list of items to test.  Take a look at the entire series I am sure you will find it worthwhile. 

Talk to you soon

Patrick LeBlanc, founder and SQL Lunch

SQL Down South


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