Blog Post

2012 PASS Elections Letter Of Recommendation From Karen Lopez


I'm a candidate in the 2012 PASS Board of Directors elections and believe that an important part of what makes a good candidate is support from the community that they wish to represent. I've worked hard to connect with people in PASS community from chapter members to speakers and from SQLSaturday volunteers to Directors. I've been fortunate to receive several letters of recommendation in support of my desire to continue serving on the Board. In this post I'm sharing the letter I received from Karen Lopez (Blog | Twitter).

I met Karen several years ago through Twitter and then in person at SQLSaturday. We've crossed paths at PASS events many times since then, and more recently I've had the chance to work with Karen on PASS's Global Growth initiatives where she's served as an advisor to the Board. Over the years as I've gotten to know her I have come to respect Karen for her professional opinions, advice as a consultant, and insight from her time as a member of other Boards. Here's what Karen had to say about me:

Dear PASS Nomination Committee:

I’m recommending Kendal Van Dyke for a continued PASS Board position. My primary reason for supporting him is his willingness to listen to feedback and take actions that he believes are in the best interest of PASS members and the community as a whole.

In my discussions with Kendal about SQL Saturdays, PASS events and PASS communications, Kendal has always been willing to hear what I had to say and shown that he is genuinely interested in the feedback I have. Even at times where he didn’t agree with my recommendations, he treated my ideas with respect and attention. He carried my feedback to the Board and followed up with me about the outcomes.

My interactions with Kendal have always been engaging, fun, and professional, something I think are key to balancing the needs of managing an association and meeting the needs of individual members. I’ve also had the benefit of seeing the outcomes of his efforts as programs are improved. He sets a high standard for leadership and professionalism when interacting with other volunteers and the community. I couldn’t ask for more from a Board member.



Karen Lopez
Senior Project Manager and Architect

For those of your who have already cast your vote - thank you for helping to decide who you want to lead PASS forward. And for everyone else yet to fill out their ballot, I hope that you'll consider voting for me.


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