• Interests: SQL, Biztalk, .NET

Technical Article

Create an audit trigger on a table

Sometimes you need an audit trigger on a table. I have created a generic trigger that will work for (almost)every table. if the audit table is not there yet, It will copy the table structure (but strip identity attributes) and put all the data in an AUDIT_ table.I believe this will work for almost every […]

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Technical Article

Restore Backup and all TRANLOGS in a specific DIR

Many DBA's have a Maintenance plan running that creates a backup every night and a transaction log backup every hour.Restoring them to another server (for whatever reason) can be a tedious job. That is why I wrote this T-SQL script.It will read the contents of a backup directory created by the maintenance plan and create […]

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Technical Article

Generate Insert/Update/Delete Sprocs for a table

A week ago I posted this script. It was a much simpeler version without error checking. Now all the sprocs return the same errors.    0 THERE WERE NO ERRORS  -99 UNEXPECTED NR OF RECORDS AFFECTED  0 THE SQL ERROR NUMBER Also with the insert statement the @ID is set. So you can retrieve the […]

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Technical Article

Generate Insert/Update/Delete/Get  SPROCS

This is a script that creates Insert / Update / Delete and Get stored procedures for a specific table.It will only work for tables with a unique primary key.Have a look at what is does, and if you like it, Vote for it. Maybe there are tons of sprocs out there that perform the same […]

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271 reads

Technical Article

Log DISK IO statistics per Database file!!!

Well, ever wanted to know what was happening on disk....You could with FN_vitrualfilestats....Here is a NICE SPROC that samples all databases and puts it in a table. You can choose if you want to Retain values in the table or that it must be cleaned every time the sproc runs.( Put this data in a […]

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904 reads

Technical Article

Stored Proc with optional parameters

Sometimes people want a Stored Proc with optional parameters. A lot of times people will use a coalesce for this. The problem with optional paremeters is that the query plan will never be an exact mach for that specific query. ( You never know what paremeters are filled..... )To solve this problem look at the […]

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Technical Article

INSERTS that will STAY after a ROLLBACK is issued

Sometimes it is usefull to log stuff in SQL server while stored procs are running. If a long stored proc runs you sometimes want to be able to log a message in a loggin file. But what if a rollback occurs.... The message is lost as well.Here is a method to set up a seperate […]

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Visualising SQL Server in Kubernetes


The other day I came across an interesting repo on github, KubeDiagrams. What this...

Picking a Starting Table in Test Data Manager


I wrote about getting the Redgate Test Data Manager set up in 10 minutes...

SQL Server Migration Using a Distributed Availability Group


SQL Server migrations are a headache, ask anyone who’s been through the pain of...

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Introduction to PostgreSQL for the data professional

By Site Owners

Comments posted to this topic are about the item Introduction to PostgreSQL for the...

what happens to ssis and ssrs whenb we migrate to sql saas

By stan

Hi we know (or believe)  ssas saas gets stood up separately when a company...

"External table is not in the expected format"

By Reh23

Good Afternoon. I have been manually running an SSIS package on an adhoc basis,...

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Question of the Day

CHOOSing an Alias

I have this code:

SELECT CHOOSE (MONTH (saledate), 'Winter', 'Winter', 'Spring', 'Spring', 'Spring', 'Summer', 'Summer', 'Summer', 'Autumn', 'Autumn', 'Autumn', 'Autumn') AS x
FROM ProductSales;
What is a good name for the column alias?

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