Azure SQL Database Elastic Scale Part 1 - What is Sharding?
Azure SQL Database Elastic Scale Part 1 - What is Sharding?MARCH 19, 2015
This week, Microsoft introduced an update to Azure SQL...
2019-08-09 (first published: 2015-03-19)
15,513 reads
Azure SQL Database Elastic Scale Part 1 - What is Sharding?MARCH 19, 2015
This week, Microsoft introduced an update to Azure SQL...
2019-08-09 (first published: 2015-03-19)
15,513 reads
Azure SQL Database Elastic Scale Part 3 - Setting up and Querying the ShardsMAY 28, 2015
For those of you who have...
2019-08-09 (first published: 2015-05-28)
4,059 reads
Dynamic Data MaskingFEBRUARY 26, 2015
Have you ever wanted to only show parts of a field to certain sets of users...
2019-08-09 (first published: 2015-02-26)
8,841 reads
Index Fragmentation in Azure SQL DatabaseFEBRUARY 4, 2015
Recently, I read the articles Stop Worrying About SQL Server Fragmentationand When Does...
2019-08-09 (first published: 2015-02-03)
13,409 reads
Setting Up Alerts in Azure SQL DatabaseSEPTEMBER 8, 2015
If I've learned one thing with my on premise versions of SQL...
2019-08-09 (first published: 2015-09-08)
3,675 reads
SQL Azure has T-SQL Jobs - Well AlmostJUNE 25, 2015
One thing that has been lacking in Azure SQL Database is the...
2019-08-09 (first published: 2015-06-25)
2,825 reads
Using AzCopy in a SQL Job to Upload Files to Azure Blob StorageNOVEMBER 11, 2015
In my next series of posts,...
2019-08-09 (first published: 2015-11-10)
6,927 reads
Top 10 Enhancements to Azure SQL Database in 2015DECEMBER 27, 2015
2015 has been a massive year for Azure SQL Database....
999 reads
Top 10 Enhancements to Azure SQL Database in 2015
DECEMBER 27, 2015
Introduction2015 has been a massive year for Azure SQL Database. This year has seen the product mature from "an...
21 reads
Getting Started with Azure Data Factory - Part 1DECEMBER 9, 2015
The Azure Data Factory is a means of moving data around...
4,113 reads
By Steve Jones
redesis – n. a feeling of queasiness while offering someone advice, knowing they might...
By Steve Jones
The Solutions Engineers at Redgate recently released an Introduction to Redgate Flyway Autopilot course...
The other day I came across an interesting repo on github, KubeDiagrams. What this...
Hi there to all SQL gurus So, here is the scenario. I have a...
Guys, I am facing problems when running a backup routine JOB in SQL Server,...
1, Customer table [TBLMEMBER] 's structure CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TBLMEMBER]( [TRANNO] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,...
What is the result of this query in SQL Server 2022+?
select bit_count('7')See possible answers