a stored procedure returning a single varchar(8000) of the CREATE TABLE script for any table.It does everything calculated columns, rules,indexes,defaults,triggers,constraints...everything.
2009-07-28 (first published: 2009-07-11)
812 reads
Find And Replace any string, in the entire table with this function. Parameterized for easy use.
2009-02-26 (first published: 2009-02-09)
883 reads
The default trace keeps the last 20 meg of info, and a max of 5 files...This loads all 5 files into a table so it can be reviewed.
2009-02-25 (first published: 2009-02-07)
1,240 reads
this script will generate CREATE index statements for all indexes in the database;there are already scripts out there that script constraints for primary keys and unique constraints, which automatically create an index behind the scenes. but what about the other indexes?uncomment two statements in order to filter out primary keys and Unique indexes so you […]
2006-03-17 (first published: 2006-03-07)
29,473 reads
forums question came up where someone needed to search every varchar/char field in the database, and find any table/field that had a specific value (ie ip address, email, servername) we all agree that a monster scan like this is bad, but bad or not, sometimes you need to do it.it returns results that look something […]
2005-07-07 (first published: 2005-06-29)
252 reads