Joyful Crafsmen is a young company designing, constructing and operating business intelligence solutions for enterprises. People behind are experts in Microsoft Data Platform, which includes SQL Server, Microsoft Azure, Power BI and other leading edge Microsoft technologies. Sharing our know-how with others is our other love. Through training, consulting, and teaching in our community, we help others to be better and better every day.

Blog Post

Power BI Tracker

Znáte ten pocit, kdy jste si přepsali nějakou složitější measure a rádi byste jí vrátili do stavu, jak vypadala před hodinou? Nebo kolega něco upravil ve vašem modelu, ale...

2022-09-22 (first published: )

14 reads

Blog Post

Azure Synapse Case Study

Let’s introduce our customer and their product
Our client is working in telecommunications providing secure and reliable networks. They are an independent supplier of mobile, data and voice services in...

2022-06-29 (first published: )

367 reads


A New Word: Amoransia


amoransia – n. the melodramatic thrill of unrequited love; the longing to pine for...

The Data API Builder Start and Add Extensions in VS Code


One of the things that I like about the Data API Builder (DAB) is...

Using OneLake for Excel Files in Microsoft Fabric


Hey data friends! This blog is to discuss an edge case I’ve run into...

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DbDefence - how does work this tool?

By Oleg-461731

How it is implemented?  I have installed, tried, it is free for dbs <=30...

Technical Pain Behaviors

By Louis Davidson (@drsql)

Comments posted to this topic are about the item Technical Pain Behaviors

trying to call powershell from TSQL statement

By Siten0308

Hello, trying to call a powershell file I created, locally on the server, but...

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Question of the Day

Counting Bits

What does the BIT_COUNT function do in SQL Server?

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