Adding a Query Governor to Dynamic-Search Stored Procedures
When undisciplined users access your search forms, you can control their behavior and limit the results they're presented with in various ways.
4,069 reads
When undisciplined users access your search forms, you can control their behavior and limit the results they're presented with in various ways.
4,069 reads
Splitting strings based on patterns supported by LIKE and PATINDEX can be an interesting way to address a wide variety of problems.
2014-09-12 (first published: 2012-11-29)
31,820 reads
Recursive CTEs can be confusing and scary, so examining some non-standard examples may cast light upon these shadowy demons.
2014-07-25 (first published: 2012-07-17)
26,610 reads
When you've got only a single effective date on a record and you need to artificially create the effective end date based on a following row in T-SQL, the techniques discussed in this article will help you decide what is best.
32,161 reads
Follow along as this starter article on the SQL TABLE Type walks you through the various ways it can be used in T-SQL.
9,000 reads
A way to assign variable and overrideable defaults to input parameters to an SP or FUNCTION using a configurations table.
8,070 reads
The SQL MERGE statement can make your DML querying more efficient but you need to take care or you may get burned
23,798 reads
Make the ad-hoc analysis of identifying potentially double-counted or sign-reversed Accounting transactions simple and painless.
4,310 reads
A suggested design for creating flight schedules makes querying easy. Includes basic airport and airlines data. Get started now with this tricky query problem.
14,932 reads
So you want to group your data for charting in Excel? Here's how, the easy way!
5,338 reads
By Rob Sewell
The partner directory connects your agency with new customers.
I had an excellent group of people in Gothenburg Sweden when I taught there...
By Steve Jones
How can I quickly get a CU patch for a system that’s out of...
Comments posted to this topic are about the item GIT Configuration and Automated Release...
I am trying to find usage and non-usage of package sin my ssisdb catalog....
hi a peer of mine recalls an error in an edi app that often...
I have created these triggers in SQL Server 2022:
CREATE TRIGGER triggertest_tri_1 ON dbo.triggertest FOR INSERT AS PRINT 'one' GO CREATE TRIGGER triggertest_tri_2 ON dbo.triggertest FOR INSERT AS PRINT 'two' GOI want to be sure that the trigger with "1" runs first. I decide to run this:
EXEC sp_settriggerorder@triggername = 'triggertest_tri_1', @order = 'first'What happens? See possible answers