Joe Celko

SQLServerCentral Article

Mathematicians and SQL

Georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp Cantor is considered the creator of set theory, and his theories are the basis for the naïve set theory you learned in school. But there are lots of other mathematicians you should know, such as Hilbert, Frege, Russell, Zermelo and Dedekind. They made a lot of contributions, too. Hilbert Hilbert is […]

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SQLServerCentral Article

Data Element Names and Scoping Rules in SQL

How you name data elements in databases and applications programs has often been a matter of personal taste. Decades ago, when I worked for state government, there is a COBOL programmer who would pick a theme for his programs. The paragraphs and variables would be named based on the current theme. One of his programs […]

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Stairway to Database Design

Stairway to Database Design Level 6: Procedure Bodies

Having covered the procedure headers in SQL Server in the previous level, Joe tackles the subject of the contents of stored procedures. In this level, he outlines limitations of TSQL as a procedural language, and what you need to bear in mind when deciding how to use them.

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2019-04-03 (first published: )

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Migrating from Azure PG Single Server to Flex with Azure VM and pg_dump/restore


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PowerShell (and T-SQL) and Elastic Jobs


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A New Word: Redesis


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SQL Database Project in Azure Data Studio

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AG Rules for Databases

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AG Rules for Databases

Which of these is not a requirement for a database to be added to an Availability Group (AG)?

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