15,507 reads
15,507 reads
2014-12-04 (first published: 2014-11-17)
1,415 reads
Check 96 server and database settings to make sure they match your expectations in your databases with this script.
4,674 reads
2013-07-03 (first published: 2013-06-07)
865 reads
What is the difference between an expert DBA and a Master DBA? This piece from William Talada talks about Objects, Relationships, Systems, and Processes and how they may relate to your job as a DBA.
2,535 reads
Powerful function to find strings containing or excluding classes of ASCII characters.
2012-09-10 (first published: 2012-08-28)
1,038 reads
Shows awesome view of columns with constraints and indexes and foreign keys to spot errors fast.
2010-08-04 (first published: 2009-12-03)
1,456 reads
IsNumber does weak checking and fails cast to BigInt so I wrote IsBigInt to replace it.
2010-06-11 (first published: 2010-05-05)
3,317 reads
William Talada brings us a short article to help you check your ANSI NULL settings and gives you a few reasons why you might want to make them consistent.
8,023 reads
Display a row vertically when a table has hundreds of columns to avoid scrolling.
2010-01-21 (first published: 2009-12-30)
3,235 reads
I’ve covered how to create Elastic Jobs in the portal (this one is important...
By Steve Jones
redesis – n. a feeling of queasiness while offering someone advice, knowing they might...
By Steve Jones
The Solutions Engineers at Redgate recently released an Introduction to Redgate Flyway Autopilot course...
Hi everyone I am working on a query where the calculation depends on whether...
I know in the past this wasn't possible but maybe that's changed as SQL...
Comments posted to this topic are about the item No End to Programmers
What is the result of this query in SQL Server 2022+?
select bit_count('7')See possible answers