Proc-Blaster Updated
Proc-Blaster 2.32 has been released with much faster loading time, improved help file, new templates and more. Proc-Blaster is a RAD Code Generator for SQL Server.
64 reads
Proc-Blaster 2.32 has been released with much faster loading time, improved help file, new templates and more. Proc-Blaster is a RAD Code Generator for SQL Server.
64 reads
What's VB.NET? Microsoft has launched a new learning platform called VBTV. Check it out if you are interested in VB at all.
1,344 reads
It’s almost time for the newest Service Pack for SQL Server 2000, and you don’t want to be caught unprepared for this one. In addition to the normal QFE fixes, the top service pack requests from our PSS organization and the latest security fixes, this service pack will be shipping with MDAC version 2.7 SP1. You’re going to want to be involved in this service pack beta! This beta is scheduled to start in mid to late September.
3,325 reads
Microsoft is now accepting nominations for beta testers for SQL Server 2000 (64-bit), SQL Server 2000 Windows® CE Edition (SQL Server CE) version 2.0, and SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 3 (SP3). Any SQL Server customer can participate.
3,387 reads
This article explains how orphan users get created, and provides you with troubleshooting information. A bonus stored procedure called ShowOrphanUsers is included, that goes and searches all the databases and generates a complete list of orphan users.
1,038 reads
This article shows you how to design the storage for email addresses, how to validate email addresses, how to retrieve demographic information from email addresses efficiently, using computed columns and indexes. It also covers the security aspect of dealing with email addresses.
1,340 reads has just released SQL Server 2000 certifications. These certifications are 100% free and a must for any DB developer & DBA.
75 reads
Microsoft has released a patch to fix two buffer overflow vulnerabilities in SQL Server 2000. No UserID or password is required by the attacker to exploit these issues. The problem is exacerbated by the fact the attack goes over UDP.
3,960 reads
SQLClean is a SQL Tool that automatically creates a dependancy analysis of your SQL Server Database including tables, views, triggers, defaults, procedures etc. SQLClean will also analyze a client application for depenandies on SQL Objects allowing you to detect and eliminate unused SQL objects that are unreferenced by either the client app. or database itself.
3,537 reads
Microsoft has release a cumulative security update for SQL Server with SP2. Read , download and update your SQL Server!
3,912 reads
By Rob Sewell
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How can I quickly get a CU patch for a system that’s out of...
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SELECT CONCAT(1, 2, 3) + 4See possible answers