Alexander Chigrik

I would like to offer consultation on MS-SQL by E-Mail

I am from Rostov-on-Don in Russia.I work for a firm Bis Ltd (Banking Information Systems) as a Microsoft SQL Server DBA and developer. I have more than 4 years solid experience
with version 6.5 and more than 2 years experience (since december 1998) with version 7.0.

Current Certifications:

  • Brainbench:Master MS SQL Server 6.5 Administration

  • Master MS SQL Server 6.5 Programming
  • Master MS SQL Server 7 Administration
  • Master MS SQL Server 7 Programming

All exams on Brainbench

I am in the list of 15 top experts on MS SQL under the version of experts-exchange:

Technical Article

Generate Insert Statements Easily

This script will generate insert statements for the given tables. You can pass the tables names, separated by commas, into sp_DataAsInsCommand stored procedure as in the example below: EXEC sp_DataAsInsCommand 'employee,titleauthor,pub_info' Updated on 5/25/01 to correct an issue with columns that are short like a column defined as char(1), to correct another issue with the […]

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Question of the Day

CHOOSing an Alias

I have this code:

SELECT CHOOSE (MONTH (saledate), 'Winter', 'Winter', 'Spring', 'Spring', 'Spring', 'Summer', 'Summer', 'Summer', 'Autumn', 'Autumn', 'Autumn', 'Autumn') AS x
FROM ProductSales;
What is a good name for the column alias?

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