Wesley Brown

Wes use to be a pretty good DBA now he is in management.
  • Interests: Collecting old computers
  • Skills: I talk a lot.

Technical Article

yet another backup script using litespeed or native backup

Updated! Now supports both SQL Litespeed and native backup commands in one script! Several new bug fixes please see the header of the script. Error messages to add are now at the bottom of the script! This stored procedure will backup a single database or all databases it will also perform ether a full, diff, […]

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2004-10-26 (first published: )

984 reads

Technical Article

Yet another restore script usp_restore

usp_restore - This will restore a backup performed with SQL LiteSpeed from DBAssocatesIT or by the standard backup database routines in SQL Server Please check below the declarations to find the user settable options for this script If the target database is currently in a loading status or cannot be read from this restore it […]

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2004-10-25 (first published: )

612 reads

Technical Article

yet another backup script usp_backup

I wrote this to backup to a network share you can set the backup to spool to the local disk first then it will move it to another drive or to a unc just fine. Directory to hold and move to are not optional but if you set them to the same path it won't […]

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2004-09-06 (first published: )

388 reads

Technical Article

alert on blocking chains via email

This is a script I use to watch for blocking chains on a server there are four variables to be set. @Duration tells it how long to run. This will be an active thread for the duration. @IntervalSec how often to poll for blocking. @maxwaittime time in miliseconds a thread that is blocked that you […]

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2004-09-01 (first published: )

1,762 reads

Technical Article

Backup Transaction Logs on all Databases

Here we go again. This is the last in my backup series that I use to do backups of the databases. As far as I know this should only kick out errors when there really is one. This stored procedure is designed to take 4 parameters @bksrv : This is the name or the IP […]

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856 reads

Technical Article

Differential Backups of all Databases

This is the SP I schedule to do diff backups on the DB's that I can. I still need to add errorchecking to see if there is a full available before I do a diff. I'll add that when I get time. This stored procedure is designed to take 4 parameters @bksrv : This is […]

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1,529 reads

Technical Article

Stored Procedure to Backup all Databases

This is the script I use to backup all my DB's this does fulls and dumps them locally to disk then spools them off to FTP. This stored procedure is designed to take 4 parameters @bksrv : This is the name or the IP address of the spooler or backup server to send to. @user […]

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The Data API Builder Start and Add Extensions in VS Code


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