SQLServerCentral Article

The SQLServerCentral.com Store


The SQLServerCentral.com Store

If you've hung around for awhile, you've probably noticed that we sell a few things. And we're trying to grow that list as running this site is expensive. But we want to deliver some value to you for what we sell, not just ask for donations or sell something just to sell it and make money. We hope you think our products are worth it, and please let us know if there's something you don't like, you want to see improved, or new products and services you'd like. No promises, but we will review them.

That being said, we've added a new consolidated store for both SQLServerCentral.com and SQL Server Standard merchandise. It's linked on the menus, hopefully everywhere, and it contains the few resources, books and magazines, that we've got available.

So take a look and let us know what you think. No pressure to buy, purchase something if you think you'll need it or use it. We greatly appreciate your support just by visiting the site and receiving the newsletter and a special thanks to everyone who's subscribed to the magazine or purchased our books.

Thanks again,

Andy, Brian, and Steve


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