External Article

PostgreSQL Basics: Getting started with psql

PostgreSQL has a separate command-line tool that’s been available for decades and is included with any installation of PostgreSQL. Many long-term PostgreSQL users, developers, and administrators rely on psql to help them quickly connect to databases, examine the schema, and execute SQL queries.

Knowing how to install and use basic psql commands is an essential skill to have for anyone that will connect to PostgreSQL.

External Article

PostgreSQL 101: A guide to PostgreSQL documentation & useful resources

It can be a daunting task for new users to get to grips with PostgreSQL documentation, particularly if you are not from a developer background.

If you are not sure where to start, we are here to help break down the different resources available so you can make the most of them.

In the latest webinar of our PostgreSQL 101 series, join Ryan Booz, PostgreSQL Advocate at Redgate, and Grant Fritchey, Microsoft Data Platform MVP, and discover:

- How to navigate PostgreSQL documentation
- The essential things you need to know about PostgreSQL documentation
- Other useful learning resources to help make your journey to using PostgreSQL easier

Register to join us on September 19th at 11am CT (5pm BST)


Denver Dev Day – Best Practices for Database Deployments Resources


I delivered a talk today on database deployment best practices at the Denver Dev...

A New Word: desanté


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What happens when we drop a column on a SQL Server table? Where's my space?


This article was initially posted on SQLServerCentral @ 2024-04-26. Short answer: The column is marked...

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On Being an "Expert"

By Grant Fritchey

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By Stteb

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Abort Package after specified timeout project parameter

By Dave

Hi I have a sequence container which contains an execute package task which loads...

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Adding Hints with Query Store

I have a query that is being tracked in the SQL Server 2022 Query Store. I want to add a hint to this query to ensure that the MAXDOP for this query is one. How can I do this with minimal code changes

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