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Easily Integrate with Any RESTful API Using the CData API Driver

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The evolution of APIs has opened up exciting opportunities for businesses. RESTful APIs are a consistent, straightforward way that enables businesses to work with external data and offer access to their own data. In May 2021, the number of public APIs grew beyond 24,000, with about 2,000 APIs added just since 2019.  APIs continue to be beneficial to businesses and developers, and with the CData API Driver, it […]

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SQLServerCentral Article

CData AWS Glue Connector for Salesforce Deployment Guide

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AWS Glue is an ETL service from Amazon that enables you to prepare and load your data for storage and analytics. With Glue Studio, you can create no-code and low-code ETL jobs that work with data through CData Glue Connectors. In this article, we walk through configuring the CData Glue Connector for Salesforce and creating and […]

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SQLServerCentral Article

Configure the CData Cloud Add-On for Google Sheets

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With Google Sheets you can create branded reports with data visualizations to share with your clients. Combined with CData Cloud, Google Sheets give you cloud-to-cloud access to data from the supported SaaS, Big Data and NoSQL sources for visualizations, dashboards, and more. In this article we explain how to use the CData Cloud Add-On to […]

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SQLServerCentral Article

Connecting to Amazon DocumentDB with MongoDB Drivers

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With Amazon DocumentDB developers and DBAs can balance availability, read scalability, and latency with five pre-configured consistency levels. The data in an Amazon DocumentDB cluster is accessible just like a MongoDB 3.6 cluster. The CData Software Drivers for MongoDB provide a SQL-like interface to MongoDB data through standards-based drivers. This allows users to see their data in the […]

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SQLServerCentral Article

CData Connect: Derived Views and Query Federation

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Big data plays a key role in promoting both manufacturing and scientific development through industrial digitization and emerging research. Integrating big data demands scalable tools for enabling not only big data ingestion and curation but also efficient large-scale exploration and discovery. There is a solution to scale up to large volumes of data distributed across multiple […]

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SQLServerCentral Article

Connect to PostgreSQL as an External Data Source using PolyBase

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PolyBase is a new feature of SQL Server that allows you to connect to relational and non-relational data. You can run queries on any external data sources you might have, such as Oracle, PostgreSQL, Salesforce, MongoDB, Hadoop, etc. When paired with the CData ODBC Driver for PostgreSQL, you get access to your PostgreSQL data directly […]

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SQLServerCentral Article

Connect to SAP HANA Data as a Linked Server

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The SQL Gateway enables you to configure a TDS (SQL Server) remoting service and set up a linked server for SAP HANA data.  After you have started the service, you can use the UI in SQL Server Management Studio or call stored procedures to create the linked server. You can then work with SAP HANA data just […]

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SQLServerCentral Article

Create an RPA Flow that Connects to Oracle Data in UiPath Studio

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If your company uses legacy technology systems, you can use the UiPath RPA platform to extend your process automation capabilities to these systems and eliminate repetitive, error-prone tasks of manually updating them. By using UiPath Studio, you can build an RPA program just like drawing a diagram.  With the CData ODBC Driver for Oracle, users can embed Oracle data in the workflow.  Let’s […]

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No End to Programmers

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Counting Bits II

What is the result of this query in SQL Server 2022+?

select bit_count('7')

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