This VB script will attempt to make a connection to all SQL Servers enumerated in the SQLInventory table over Named Pipes and TCP\IP. If a SQL Instance is listed, it will attempt TCP\IP connections using both port and instance name. Once the connection is established to each server using each protocol, the script will query sysprocesses to verify the connection is over the right protocol, to ensure that no redirection using aliases is taking place. Any connection failures will be dumped into an email, with the failure message. Once all connections have been attempted, the email will be sent, assuming a failure occurred.
If the NPDisabled or TCPDisabled bits are set in the SQLInventory table, that protocol will not be monitored for that server.
Another script from DOS but shows alerts
Like the one posted before, the use of the SP is like this: proc_alerts 1,18. This will show the first 18 alerts on the system. OR proc_alerts 20,35 will show from 20 to 35. This lets you manage the list without letting go out of the screen.
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