Technical Article

Get Notified When Accounts Are Changed

Perfect for finding developers that are changing your database accouts.  This procedure can check the sysusers table for each database and\or the master..syslogins table for account changes.  Gives the option of email notification, logging to a table or both. Update the set statements at the begining of the procedure to configure it however you like.  […]

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Technical Article

Run a Script Against All User Databases

Now you can run administrative T-SQL tasks against all your databases in one shot. Very usefull for environments that have a seperate database for each client, ASP's, etc. It's pretty straight forward and can be used for almost any task. This example Looks for a table and prints the database name and selects from the […]

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Technical Article

Find Longstanding Open Transactions

Ever forget to commit a transaction and then find out hours later that there is deadlocked transactions all over your database server? Worse yet has one of your coworkers done this to your database server? Never again, this stored procedure will net send the machine that has an open transaction, and send you (The DBA) […]

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Convert SQL Audit Files to a CSV Using Read-SqlXEvent


SQL Server Audit is an efficient way to track and log events that occur...

Control Flow Restartability in Azure Data Factory


I presented at SQL Saturday Pittshburgh this past weekend about populating your data warehouse...

Monday Monitor Tips: Knowing Your RPO


A customer was asking recently about the RPO for their estate, and I showed...

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how to query that stores mulit select field data

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Hi everyone, I have a table as below, I would like to strip out...

Getting all ancestral parents of a table

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From this link - I can find all the child dependencies starting from my...

Something Odd About CAST/TRY_CAST

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I've got some code that is supposed to generate a unique key by prefixing...

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Question of the Day

STRING_AGG's behavior

Executing the following script (Sql Server 2022), you get the table t0 with 10 rows:
, field1 VARCHAR(1000)
, field2 VARCHAR(MAX));
, REPLICATE ('X', 1000)
, REPLICATE ('Y', 1000)
FROM generate_series(1, 10, 1) gs;
What happens if you execute the following statements?
  1. select STRING_AGG(field1, ';') within group (order by id)  from t0;
  2. select STRING_AGG(field2, ';') within group (order by id)  from t0;

See possible answers