
Technical Article

Shows Tables for a Given Database from DOS

If you are using OSQL or ISQL from DOS querys are really hard to use, because the result is to big for the screen. With this procedure, you can especify from wich column to wich column show the list of tables. For Example: proc_tables master, 3, 10 will show you only a short list of […]

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Technical Article

Run a Script Against All User Databases

Now you can run administrative T-SQL tasks against all your databases in one shot. Very usefull for environments that have a seperate database for each client, ASP's, etc. It's pretty straight forward and can be used for almost any task. This example Looks for a table and prints the database name and selects from the […]

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Technical Article

Find Longstanding Open Transactions

Ever forget to commit a transaction and then find out hours later that there is deadlocked transactions all over your database server? Worse yet has one of your coworkers done this to your database server? Never again, this stored procedure will net send the machine that has an open transaction, and send you (The DBA) […]

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Technical Article

Transfer Logins and Passwords Between SQL Server 7.0 Servers

The SQL Server 7.0 Data Transformation Services (DTS) Object Transfer feature transfers logins and users between two servers, but it does not transfer the passwords for SQL Server authenticated logins. (DTS in Microsoft SQL Server 2000 does transfer passwords.)

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Level Up Your SQL Skills: The Best Intermediate to Advanced Courses


In the data-driven landscape of 2024, advanced SQL isn't just a nice-to-have, it's a...

Query deadlock info in Azure SQL DB


A couple of weeks ago, a developer came to me and wanted to know...

MSSQL Database Property LastGoodCheckDbTime to Get the Last Successful DBCC CHECKDB on a Database


Database Property LastGoodCheckDbTime to Get the Last Successful DBCC CHECKDB on a Database As one...

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How to run custom python module on SQL Server?

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Sensitivity Ranks

I want to use the ADD SENSITIVITY CLASSIFICATION DDL to mark some columns in my SQL Server 2022 database as PII. Can I use this code?

    LABEL = 'Highly Confidential',
    INFORMATION_TYPE = 'Financial',

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