Technical Article

List all Columns in Server Part 2


Following on from the initial post this Script allows for a view on datatypes and lengths on a column.

The result can be input into a Table and a report generated of it. This allows an individual quick access to a column with any references.

Hope you find this handy

--create temp tables

create table #test(id int identity (1,1), DBName nvarchar(50))

create table #test1(id int identity (1,1), DBName nvarchar(50), TableName Nvarchar(200), columnName nvarchar(200), DataType nvarchar(100), Length int)

create table #test2(id int identity (1,1), DBName nvarchar(50), TableName Nvarchar(200), tbi int,columnName nvarchar(200))

--get a list of DBs

insert into #test(DBName)

select name from master.dbo.sysDatabases where sid !=0x01 

--declare variables

declare @i int

declare @mx int

declare @db nvarchar(50)

declare @tb nvarchar(100)

declare @sql nvarchar(4000)

declare @tbi int

declare @p int 

declare @max int

declare @s nvarchar(4000)

declare @dbname nvarchar(400)

declare @n nvarchar(10)

declare @tbid int

declare @tbl nvarchar(50)

declare @svr as nvarchar(50)

set @i=1

set @mx =(select max(id) from #test)+1

set @svr= @@servername

set @p=1

while @i <@mx


set @db = (select DBname from #test where @i=id)

set @sql ='select '''+@db+''' ,id,name from '+ @db+'.dbo.sysobjects

 where xtype =''u'''

set @i=@i+1

insert into #test2(DbName,tbi, TableName)

exec (@sql)



set @max=(select max(id) from #test2)+1

while @p < @max


set @dbname=(select dbname from #test2 where id=+ @p)

set @tbid=(select tbi from #test2 where id=+ @p)

set @tbl=(select tablename from #test2 where id=+ @p)

set @s='select '''+@dbname +''','''+@tbl+''' ,,, c.length from ['+@dbname +'].dbo.syscolumns c

    join dbo.systypes t 

 ON C.xusertype = T.xusertype

where id='+ cast(@tbid as nvarchar(20))

insert into #test1(dbname,Tablename,DataType,columnName, Length)



set @p=@p+1


--if exists(Select name from sysobjects where name ='MetaData')


--drop table metadata


--Create Table MetaData(id int identity (1,1) not null,

--ServerName nvarchar(250),

--DatabaseName nvarchar(250),

--TableName nvarchar(250),

--ColumnName nvarchar(250),

--ColumnDataType nvarchar(250),

--ColumnDataLength nvarchar(20)


--insert into MetaData

select @svr as Svr,

DBName DatabaseName,




Length from #test1

order by tablename


drop table #test

drop table #test1

drop table #test2

--Select * from MetaData


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