Technical Article

Analysis Server 2005 Backup Powershell Script


This PowerShell script will connect to an SSAS instance, enumerate ALL databases, and back each one up. You can then add this to either as a Scheduled Task or as a SQL Agent job.

# SQL Server 2005 Analysis Server Archive
# Ron Klimaszewski
# This script will connect to a SSAS instance and back up all 
# of the databases to a folder specified by the -Destination
# flag.  If this flag is not used, it will default to the SSAS
# parameter 'BackupDir' to write the files.
# Example: 
# rKiveAS.ps1 -ServerInstance <server\inst> -Destination <drive:\x\y | \\unc\path> -RetentionDays nn 
#         -Destination defaults to the BackupDir setting 
# Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted 

param ( 
    [string]$ServerInstance = $(Throw "A -ServerInstance parameter is required.") , 
    [string]$Destination ,      
    [int]$RententionDays , 

# Force a minimum of two days of retention 
if ($RetentionDays -lt 2 ) { $RetentionDays = 2 } 

#[string]$ServerInstance = "AD1HFDSQLX051" 
#[int]$CleanupHoursToKeep = -48 

[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.AnalysisServices") > $null 
[Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Server]$svr = new-Object([Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Server]) 
[Microsoft.AnalysisServices.BackupInfo]$svrbk = new-Object([Microsoft.AnalysisServices.BackupInfo]) 
[Microsoft.AnalysisServices.BackupInfo]$bkloc = New-Object ([Microsoft.AnalysisServices.BackupInfo]) 


if ($Destination -eq "") { 
  Write-Host Setting the Destination parameter to the BackupDir parameter 
  $Destination = $svr.ServerProperties.Item("BackupDir").Value 
if (! (test-path $Destination)) { 
  Write-Host Destination path `"$Destination`" does not exists.  Exiting script. 
  exit 1 
} else { 
  Write-Host Backup files will be written to `"$Destination`" 

if ($LogDir -eq "") { 
  Write-Host Setting the Log directory parameter to the LogDir parameter 
  $LogDir = $svr.ServerProperties.Item("LogDir").Value 
if (! (test-path $LogDir)) { 
  Write-Host Log directory `"$LogDir`" does not exists.  Exiting script. 
  exit 1 
} else { 
  Write-host Logs will be written to $LogDir 
if (-not $LogDir.EndsWith("\")) {$LogDir += "\"} 
if (-not $Destination.EndsWith("\")) {$Destination += "\"} 
[string]$LogFile=$LogDir + "SSASBackup." + $ServerInstance.Replace("\","_") + ".log" 

$dbs = $svr.Databases 
$bkloc.AllowOverwrite = 1 
$bkloc.ApplyCompression = 1 
$bkloc.BackupRemotePartitions = 1 

[string]$BackupTimeStamp = Get-Date  -Format "yyyy-MM-ddTHHmm" 

"Backing up files on $ServerInstance at $BackupTimeStamp" | Out-File -filepath $LogFile -encoding oem -append 
# Back up the SSAS databases 
foreach ($db in $dbs) { 
  $bkloc.file = $Destination + $ + "." + $BackupTimeStamp + ".abf" 
  Write-Host Backing up $db.Name to $bkloc.File 
  if ($?) { 
    "Successfully backed up " + $db.Name + " to " + $bkloc.File | Out-File -filepath $LogFile -encoding oem -append 
  } else { 
    "FAILED to back up " + $db.Name + " to " + $bkloc.File | Out-File -filepath $LogFile -encoding oem -append 


# Clear out the old files 
Write-Host Clearing out old files from $Destination 
[int]$RetentionHours = $RetentionDays * 24 * -1 
"Deleting old backup files" | Out-File -filepath $LogFile -encoding oem -append 
get-childitem ($Destination + "*.abf") | where-object {$_.LastWriteTime -le [System.DateTime]::Now.AddHours($RetentionHours)} | Out-File -filepath $LogFile -encoding oem -append 

get-childitem ($Destination + "*.abf") | where-object {$_.LastWriteTime -le [System.DateTime]::Now.AddHours($RetentionHours)} | remove-item


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