Viewing 15 topics - 282,601 through 282,615 (of 282,868 total)
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I don't like having development and production databases on the same SQL server. (Bad news waiting …
8 replies
Hello sql server Gurus, I have taken a backup(through maintenance plan) from SQLServer 7.0 server. …
4 replies
hello there ihave a problem with this stored procedure (sp_makewebtask). I want to create the file …
2 replies
Importing into MSSQL froma flat file. Various columns in the table are not nullable, one of which i…
3 replies
I'm using a stored procedure to build a complex Select statement based on parameters passed to it. …
2 replies
I've created a DTS in SQL2000 that isn't recognized by SQL7, in short, it won't run the job created…
7 replies
I have a stored procedure that is sceduled in a job that will backup the databases and will also pe…
6 replies
Which other programming languages other than VB allow to use SQL DMO. Does VBScript(ASP) allow COMP…
4 replies
I'd like to thank and announce Wes (burthold) for agreeing to moderate this forum area. Brian Knigh…
4 replies
Hi, I am using ASP to extract information from a database on a remote server (SQL 7) and updating/i…
3 replies
Hi all, Im new to SQL Mail. When I say xp_startmail, i get a message 'Server: Msg 17952, Level 18…
2 replies
Comments posted to this topic are about the content posted at /columnists/sjones/prayers.asp
2 replies
I am running an HP based SQL2000 Cluster that uses Aliases(virtual names). When one box fails over…
6 replies
I am unable to create an new SQL Server database on my E: drive. The sever has 4 drives C:, E:, G: …
10 replies
i am trying to change the datatype from text to varchar for 1 column and I found that there is no A…
4 replies
Viewing 15 topics - 282,601 through 282,615 (of 282,868 total)