Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 18 total)

  • RE: Shadow IT

    I'm another Jim that is with Jim. 30+ years and the situation is that a central IT for 40 plus hospitals and a very large number of attached...

  • RE: Promoting Engineers

    I had tried leadership roles in the past and found that those roles were a struggle. While I have all the various skills in adequate quantity, I don’t have...

  • RE: A Lifetime of Software

    JimS-Indy has a ways to go to become an old guy. I just turned 66 and after fooling around the Navy I went into Clinical Engineering for 30...

  • RE: Old, but stable

    Absolutely!!!! We have a number of applications which function quite adequately to their tasks that require 2000 and won’t integrate with anything newer. Unless those applications...

  • RE: Sending Mail In SSIS Using Script Task- Simpler and Flexible Approach

    I use sandor_g's approach from a series of tables for equating individuals to particular types of emails in SSIS. Great flexibility when sending to multiple receivers. I do...

  • RE: Flat File Source with Header and Footer Rows

    I had a similar issue with consistently two lines of footer at the end of a flat file. What I finally did was use a Script Task, using...

  • RE: SQL Server Job Scheduling

    Using DTS in 2000 I run a check for every second Thursday with the following code and set the 'job' to run every Thursday. If it is the right...

  • RE: SQL Server Job Scheduling

    Yep, that's my kludge code all right

  • RE: SQL Server Job Scheduling

    Very interesting. I have had my share of scheduling challenges like running a job every second Thursday and still haven't come up with a good non-kludgy way of running...

  • RE: A Matter of Trust

    Cardex files might be the solution after all!  I can see the code now:  SELECT Card where Index_1 =……    In a society such a ours...

  • RE: A Matter of Trust

    It is a sad day when the integrity of someone entrusted with sensitive data even has to be questioned.  Says a lot for the condition...

  • RE: ActiveX script to get a dynamic filename?

    I use something that might be helpful.  I set up a DTS that checks every day on an FTP site for a file name that is dynamic in that the...

  • RE: Who Likes Their Job?

    You know, until this article I never really thought about liking or not liking my job!   But looking back,  waaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy back, I can’t remember a...

  • RE: SQL2000 Stored Procedure

    Just got email from HR.  They decided just that.  Want me to set up app to be ran from their side to do whole process.  Will comply with just a...

  • RE: SQL2000 Stored Procedure

    Doing all but images now with no problem.   Images are done manually, one by one.  I think I will just go back to a vb app to handle the images,...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 18 total)