Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)

  • RE: SQL Server Management Studio - port scanning

    So far no breakthroughs...  I checked out the VIA setup, but it's deactivated across the board in our environment.  TCP/IP only on most servers, and a couple with Named Pipes...

  • RE: MCITP vs MCDBA 2000

    Richard - did you earn your MCITP by buying books/attending classes/studying and then taking the tests, or did you go the Boot Camp route?   Trying to decide myself...


  • RE: SQL 2005 Stress Testing

    Ani - first of all, NICE avatar!  Makes me wanna crank up some "Roll Out" by Ludacris...  unfortunately, my best days of "rolling out" are behind me. 

  • RE: Backward Compatibility (sql 2005 to sql 2000)

    Hmmm...  I thought for sure if you demoted the database to SQL Server 2000 compatibility level, made a backup, and then tried restoring that on a SQL Server 2000 instance...

  • RE: Issues running SQL2005 DB engine with databases in SQL2000 compatibility mode?

    Cool...  thanks Robert.  So far so good.

    Anyone else out there with experiences with this they're willing to share?

  • RE: SQL Agent 2005 and Send Mail Task

    I had all sorts of headaches getting SQL Agent / Database Mail to work consistently...  I can't really offer help in the line of a fix, but I can certainly...

  • RE: How To Mess Up An Interview

    Right on, Sean!  Finally somebody who gets it...  and isn't afraid to tell it (and possibly offend folks in the process)!

    I work in an environment where everybody curses like a bunch...

  • RE: DBA member of IT admins?

    At my current company, the DBA team is not Domain Admin, but has Local Admin on most (including all SQL) servers.  I've never seen a situation where this didn't suffice.  Part...

  • RE: DBCC CHECKDB - error Msg 8992

    I can't speak for Jay, but I know that was the case for my database that was having the issue.  Is there anything other than setting the Compatibility Level from...

  • RE: DBCC CHECKDB - error Msg 8992

    The saga continues...   now the job "succeeds", but clearly doesn't do anything, per the fact that no backups get created and the message in the log: 

    Microsoft(R) Server...

  • RE: DBMail riddle

    Seth, I feel your pain...  Alas, I too have released many a scream (nowadays more like a whimper) when dealing with the joys of DB-Mail and SQL2005, in general.

    Simply working...

  • RE: DBCC CHECKDB - error Msg 8992

    Yes, but is there a way to fix it?  I'm struggling with 4 of these errors at the moment in a database I recently migrated from SQL2000.  Odd thing is,...

  • RE: Remove completely an istance of SQL Server 2K5

    Good luck...   I installed a base instance and a pair of sub-instances on a server for evaluation of mirroring, and when clean-up time came I had a monster of a...

  • RE: database mirroring

    I successfully set up "safe mode" mirroring with a witness on the primary (server name) instance, principal on the "DEV1" named instance, and a mirror on the "DEV2" named instance - using...

  • RE: question re: DBA skills for SQL 2000 vs. SQL 2005

    I was just on the verge of sending a request to my manager about signing up for a local offering of M2733 "Updating your DBA Skills to SQL Server 2005"...


Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)