xp_sendmail attach output problems

  • I've been asked to supply data to a 3rd party. Requirement given was for a ".csv" format file, with headings in the first row, and all data to be enclosed in quotes.

    (Note - that brings up another problem. Enclose a string of digits in quotes and Excel will assume that the field is numeric. There seems to be no way of telling Excel that it is actually a text field.)

    After much heartache, tearing out of hair, etc, I've managed to get the file into the format required - BUT WITH ONE PROBLEM - there is "trailer" record which I can't get rid of. The trailer record is a "tab" followed by lots of spaces. Does anyone know how to get rid of it?

    There has been a fair bit of interest expressed in the problems with attachments produced by xp_sendmail - mainly the "white space" that you can't eliminate.

    My "work around", while not being very elegant (that's an understatement!) may spark a few ideas with others who are having similar problems.

    The approach I've used is to generate the report as a single TEXT field.

    Any help/comments would be appreciated.



    .. and here's the code excerpts ..

    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_xxx_test3 AS






    ... set time_stamp

    delete from yyyKTemp.dbo.mike_xxx_test

    -- Write the column headings

    insert into yyyKTemp.dbo.mike_xxx_test


    @quote + 'Customer' +@quote +@comma

    +@quote + 'Order_Number' +@quote +@comma

    +@quote + 'Reference_Number' +@quote +@comma

    +@quote + 'Shipping_Line_Booking_Number' +@quote +@comma

    +@quote + 'Depot' +@quote +@comma

    +@quote + 'Shipping_Line' +@quote +@comma

    +@quote + 'Vessel' +@quote +@comma

    etc, etc

    -- Cursor to get the actual data

    declarec1 cursor for


    char(10) +

    @quote + 'yyy' +@quote +@comma

    +@quote + rtrim(cust_po) +@quote +@comma

    +@quote + ord_key +@quote +@comma

    +@quote + rtrim(booking) +@quote +@comma

    +@quote +@quote +@comma

    +@quote +@quote +@comma

    +@quote + rtrim(vessel_name) +@quote +@comma

    +@quote + rtrim(text) +@quote +@comma

    +@quote + rtrim(port_name)+' '+replace(convert(char(11),dt_cutoff,106),' ','-') +@quote +@comma

    etc, etc

    -- Get the data and write it to the text file (append to the end)

    open c1

    fetch c1 into @data

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    DECLARE @ptrval binary(16)

    SELECT @ptrval = TEXTPTR(rest) from yyyKTemp.dbo.mike_xxx_test

    updatetext yyyKTemp.dbo.mike_xxx_test.rest @ptrval null 0


    fetch c1 into @data


    close c1

    deallocate c1

    select rest from yyyKTemp.dbo.mike_xxx_test


    And here's the code in "Agent" that calls it up

    declare @dlen int,

    @filename nvarchar(50),

    @stamp char(19)

    set@dlen = (select datalength(rest) from yyyKTemp.dbo.mike_xxx_test)

    set@stamp = convert(char(19),getdate(),120)

    set@filename = 'ShipmentSchedule_'




    exec master.dbo.xp_sendmail

    @recipients='<recipient deleted>',

    @copy_recipients='<various names deleted>',

    @message='Shipping schedule attached',

    @query='exec rep_yyyk1.dbo.sp_xxx_test3',








    Note .. @separator='' is to stop a preceding space from being entered!!

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • I was fighting the trailing blank problem just the other night, so I appreciate your example. I have no idea on the trailing line.

    There's also always DTS as an option, it's not much harder and a bit easier to control output formats.

  • DTS would have probably been a bit more awkward for the requirements - csv with quotes around headings as well as data - plus having to have a timestamp as part of the name.

    As it has turned out, the trailing blanks haven't presented a problem to the 3rd party - but I'd still like to know how to get of them!

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