Warnings turn off


    Hello friends , i have a problem is that i need to create a table temporal but in the definition fields exceed he maximum number of bytes per row well i am optimist that in the fill that case never occur, but i want to turn off the warnings that it casts

    Warning: The table '#Table' has been created but its maximum row size (17877) exceeds the maximum number of bytes per row (8060). INSERT or UPDATE of a row in this table will fail if the resulting row length exceeds 8060 bytes.


    is possible to turn off the warning???

    thank for your help  sorry my english  

  • Wow, what the heck do you have to store that takes so much space???

    I don't know of any way to disable that warning, however I would caution you against the optimism that this will never be a problem. In my experience things like this usually tend to resurface as problems later.

  • Wow, what the heck do you have to store that takes so much space???

    I don't know of any way to disable that warning, however I would caution you against the optimism that this will never be a problem. In my experience things like this usually tend to resurface as problems later.

  • I agree with Aaron. Correct solution is to make sure, that the row does not exceed the limit. How, that depends on what are you doing with this table and what datatypes you use.


    - make character columns char/varchar instead of nchar/nvarchar

    - make columns shorter and cut the data during insert (insert LEFT(col1,50) instead of full length); append something like "..." at the end to show that data is not complete

    - split the data into 2 or more tables

    If you rely on your hope that something will never happen, you can be sure that it happens in the worst moment possible and you'll be called back from your holiday to fix it, or something like that... and it will be a nice trap laid for anyone who might be doing your job later, after you have left the company.

  • Ok i will follow your tips thank you

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