Update with an inner join

  • I have a question on using a join condition when updating a table. I guess it is pretty straightforward...

    I need to be able to extract row values from table A and update into table B when A.id = B.id.

    So for example if i have table A


    id Name Address Number Employer account Zip

    1 John CA 555 ABC

    2 Joe GA 777 NBC

    3 Alan CO 888 CBS

    4 Drew AZ 999 FOX

    and i have the table B


    id fieldid fieldvalue

    1 5 011

    1 6 90007

    2 5 022

    2 6 852225

    3 5 0333

    3 6 87654

    4 5 0653

    4 6 87656

    So basically the account and zip are stored in table B with fieldid values 5and 6 , so i need to update table A with these values. This is a simplified example, i will actually be updating 34 fields.

    I have tried using a join in my update statement but it does not return anything close to the estimated amount(returns around 400 when i want 400K)

    I have used the full outer join and left join but both give me the same values.

    What would be the best way to update the table.

  • try something like:

    SELECT a.id, a.Name, a.Address, A.Number, A.Employer, B.Zip

    FROM 1sttable 1tablealias

    INNER JOIN 2ndtable 2ndtablealias

    ON a.id = b.id

    so if the tables were A = People, B = ZipTable

    SELECT a.id, a.Name, a.Address, a.Number, a.Employer, b.Zip

    FROM People a

    INNER JOIN ZipTable b

    ON a.id = b.id

    The long form without using an alias would be:

    SELECT People.id, People.Name, People.Address, People.Number, People.Employer, ZipTable.Zip

    FROM People INNER JOIN ZipTable

    ON People.id = ZipTable.id

    You said you want to UPDATE the values?

    What I just gave you is a SELECT query designed to present the data normalized into 2 tables back into the data's correct, complete record form.

    An UPDATE is another matter entirely.

    Do you want to CHANGE the values stored in a database row for a particular column or not?

  • Chad,

    Do you mean i should select into a temporary table and then update table A with rows from the temp table?

    I would like to directly update . Let me know..

  • it sounds like you want to do:

    INSERT INTO TableC (or #tmptbl whatever)


    UPDATE TableC SET [TargetField] = ?? WHERE ???

    Then update table A with the new values in table C....?

    Is that what you want to do?

    I'm still a little unclear on what it is you're exactly trying to do.

    Your original examples are somewhat garbled. Example, it looks like you have State info in an Address field?


    Maybe give a clearer example of your data relationship.




    DECLARE @TableA TABLE (id int, Name varchar(10), Address varchar(20), Number int, Employer varchar(10), account int, Zip varchar(10))

    INSERT INTO @TableA (id, Name, Address, Number, Employer)

    SELECT 1, 'John', 'CA', 555, 'ABC' UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, 'Joe', 'GA', 777, 'NBC' UNION ALL

    SELECT 3, 'Alan', 'CO', 888, 'CBS' UNION ALL

    SELECT 4, 'Drew', 'AZ', 999, 'FOX'

    DECLARE @TableB TABLE (id int, fieldid int, fieldvalue varchar(10))


    SELECT 1, 5, '011' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 6, '90007' UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, 5, '022' UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, 6, '852225' UNION ALL

    SELECT 3, 5, '0333' UNION ALL

    SELECT 3, 6, '87654' UNION ALL

    SELECT 4, 5, '0653' UNION ALL

    SELECT 4, 6, '87656'

    SELECT * FROM @TableA


    SET Account = FieldValue

    FROM @TableA A

    INNER JOIN @TableB B

    ON A.ID = B.ID

    WHERE B.FieldID = 5


    SET Zip = FieldValue

    FROM @TableA A

    INNER JOIN @TableB B

    ON A.ID = B.ID

    WHERE B.FieldID = 6

    SELECT * FROM @TableA

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • Ok, firstly the example was for demonstration purposes only, i wouldnt insert data into a table like that.

    Take the following schema

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[CustomerData](

    [customerDataID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [customerID] [int] NOT NULL,

    [fieldID] [int] NOT NULL,

    [fieldValue] [varchar](255) NULL,

    [validated] [bit] NOT NULL

    ----The following was table A i was referring to----

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Customers_Dimension](

    [CustomerKey] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [customerID] [int] NULL,

    [firstname] [varchar](255) NULL,

    [lastname] [varchar](255) NULL,

    [varchar](255) NULL,

    [username] [varchar](50) NULL,

    [password] [varchar](50) NULL,

    [optIn] [bit] NULL,

    [CanContact] [varchar](50) NULL,

    [placeToContact] [varchar](50) NULL,

    [timeToContact] [varchar](50) NULL,

    [unsubscribed] [char](10) NULL,

    [bounced] [char](10) NULL,

    [tcAccepted] [bit] NULL,

    [tcAcceptedDate] [datetime] NULL,

    [tcAcceptedIP] [varchar](50) NULL,

    [lastLogin] [datetime] NULL,

    [passwordsetup] [nchar](10) NULL,

    [datranSent] [bit] NULL,

    [advaliantSent] [bit] NULL,

    [coverClicksent] [bit] NULL,

    [customerReferenceID] [int] NULL,

    [ref1firstname] [varchar](50) NULL,

    [ref1LastName] [varchar](50) NULL,

    [ref1Phone] [varchar](50) NULL,

    [ref1Relationship] [varchar](50) NULL,

    [ref1phonenumber] [varchar](50) NULL,

    [ref2phonenumber] [varchar](50) NULL,

    [ref2relationship] [varchar](50) NULL,

    [customerPhoneID] [int] NULL,

    [HomeNumber] [varchar](max) NULL,

    [CellNumber] [varchar](max) NULL,

    [worknumber] [varchar](max) NULL,

    [customerPersonalID] [int] NULL,

    [mothersMaiden] [varchar](50) NULL,

    [birthYear] [smallint] NULL,

    [birthMonth] [tinyint] NULL,

    [birthDay] [tinyint] NULL,

    [Dob] [varchar](max) NULL,

    [gender] [varchar](50) NULL,

    [issuedIDState] [varchar](50) NULL,

    [maritalStatus] [varchar](50) NULL,

    [UScitizen] [bit] NULL,

    [activeMilitary] [bit] NULL,

    [customerHousingID] [int] NULL,

    [ownHome] [bit] NULL,

    [address] [varchar](255) NULL,

    [StreetName] [varchar](max) NULL,

    [StreetNumber] [varchar](max) NULL,

    [city] [varchar](max) NULL,

    [Town] [varchar](max) NULL,

    [state] [varchar](max) NULL,

    [County] [varchar](max) NULL,

    [country] [varchar](max) NULL,

    [zip] [varchar](max) NULL,

    [postcode] [varchar](50) NULL,

    [HouseNumber] [varchar](50) NULL,

    [yearsAtResidence] [bit] NULL,

    [monthsAtResidence] [tinyint] NULL


    I wanto run an update to update these fields in the customersdimension table, wherever there is a join on the customerid.

    This is how i update the aba field-------

    update cu

    set aba = aba.fieldvalue

    from leaplabblade05.leadtran.dbo.customers c

    full outer join leaplabblade05.datawarehouse.dbo.customers_dimension cu on c.customerid = cu.customerid

    full outer join leaplabblade05.leadtran.dbo.customerdata aba on aba.customerid = cu .customerid

    where aba.fieldid ='22' and cu.channel = '5'

    Now as you can see i do this for each of the fields in customersdimension that need updates so you would get something like----

    update cu

    set aba = aba.fieldvalue ,

    accountnumber = accountnumber.fieldvalue,

    bankname= bankname.fieldvalue ,

    directdepositCurrently = directdeposit.fieldvalue,

    dob =dob.fieldvalue,

    empMonths = empMonths.fieldvalue,

    empName = empName.fieldvalue,

    empyears = empyears.fieldvalue ,

    income = income.fieldvalue ,

    incometype = incometype.fieldvalue ,

    paydate1 = paydate1.fieldvalue ,

    paydate2 = paydate2.fieldvalue,

    payperiod = payperiod.fieldvalue,

    rentown = rentown.fieldvalue ,

    resmonths = resmonths.fieldvalue,

    resyears = resyears.fieldvalue ,

    activemilitary = activemilitary.fieldvalue,

    bankphone = bankphone.fieldvalue ,

    dlnumber = dlnumber.fieldvalue ,

    dlstate = dlstate.fieldvalue ,

    EmployerAddress = Employeraddress.fieldvalue ,

    Employercity = employercity.fieldvalue ,

    EmployerState = employerstate.fieldvalue,

    Employerzip = employerzip.fieldvalue ,

    gender = gender.fieldvalue ,

    loanamount = loanamount.fieldvalue ,

    ref1firstname = ref1firstname.fieldvalue ,

    ref1lastname = ref1lastname.fieldvalue ,

    ref1phonenumber = ref1phonenumber.fieldvalue ,

    ref1relationship = ref1relationship.fieldvalue ,

    ref2relationship = ref2relationship.fieldvalue ,

    workext = workext.fieldvalue

    from leaplabblade05.leadtran.dbo.customerdata c

    left join leaplabblade05.datawarehouse.dbo.customers_dimension cu on c.customerid = cu.customerid

    left join leaplabblade05.leadtran.dbo.customerdata aba on cu.customerid = aba .customerid

    left join leaplabblade05.leadtran.dbo.customerdata accountnumber on aba.customerid = accountnumber.customerid

    left join leaplabblade05.leadtran.dbo.customerdata bankname on accountnumber.customerid = bankname.customerid

    left join leaplabblade05.leadtran.dbo.customerdata directdeposit on bankname.customerid = directdeposit.customerid

    left join leaplabblade05.leadtran.dbo.customerdata dob on directdeposit.customerid = dob.customerid

    left join leaplabblade05.leadtran.dbo.customerdata empMonths on dob.customerid = empMonths.customerid

    left join leaplabblade05.leadtran.dbo.customerdata empName on empMonths.customerid = empName.customerid

    left join leaplabblade05.leadtran.dbo.customerdata empyears on empName.customerid = empyears.customerid

    left join leaplabblade05.leadtran.dbo.customerdata income on empyears.customerid = income.customerid

    left join leaplabblade05.leadtran.dbo.customerdata incometype on income.customerid = incometype.customerid

    left join leaplabblade05.leadtran.dbo.customerdata paydate1 on incometype.customerid = paydate1.customerid

    left join leaplabblade05.leadtran.dbo.customerdata paydate2 on paydate1.customerid = paydate2.customerid

    left join leaplabblade05.leadtran.dbo.customerdata payperiod on paydate2.customerid = payperiod.customerid

    left join leaplabblade05.leadtran.dbo.customerdata rentown on payperiod.customerid = rentown.customerid

    left join leaplabblade05.leadtran.dbo.customerdata resmonths on rentown.customerid = resmonths.customerid

    left join leaplabblade05.leadtran.dbo.customerdata resyears on resmonths.customerid = resyears.customerid

    left join leaplabblade05.leadtran.dbo.customerdata activemilitary on resyears.customerid = activemilitary.customerid

    left join leaplabblade05.leadtran.dbo.customerdata bankphone on activemilitary.customerid = bankphone.customerid

    left join leaplabblade05.leadtran.dbo.customerdata dlnumber on bankphone.customerid = dlnumber.customerid

    left join leaplabblade05.leadtran.dbo.customerdata dlstate on dlnumber.customerid = dlstate.customerid

    left join leaplabblade05.leadtran.dbo.customerdata EmployerAddress on dlstate.customerid = EmployerAddress.customerid

    left join leaplabblade05.leadtran.dbo.customerdata Employercity on EmployerAddress.customerid = Employercity.customerid

    left join leaplabblade05.leadtran.dbo.customerdata EmployerState on Employercity.customerid = EmployerState.customerid

    left join leaplabblade05.leadtran.dbo.customerdata Employerzip on EmployerState.customerid = Employerzip.customerid

    left join leaplabblade05.leadtran.dbo.customerdata gender on Employerzip.customerid = gender.customerid

    left join leaplabblade05.leadtran.dbo.customerdata loanamount on gender.customerid = loanamount.customerid

    left join leaplabblade05.leadtran.dbo.customerdata ref1firstname on loanamount.customerid = ref1firstname.customerid

    left join leaplabblade05.leadtran.dbo.customerdata ref1lastname on ref1firstname.customerid = ref1lastname.customerid

    left join leaplabblade05.leadtran.dbo.customerdata ref1phonenumber on ref1lastname.customerid = ref1phonenumber.customerid

    left join leaplabblade05.leadtran.dbo.customerdata ref1relationship on ref1phonenumber.customerid = ref1relationship.customerid

    left join leaplabblade05.leadtran.dbo.customerdata ref2relationship on ref1relationship.customerid = ref2relationship.customerid

    left join leaplabblade05.leadtran.dbo.customerdata workext on ref2relationship.customerid = workext.customerid

    where aba.fieldid = '22' and accountnumber.fieldid = '23' and bankname.fieldid = '21' and directdeposit.fieldid = '12' and dob.fieldid = '44' and empmonths.fieldid = '34' and empname.fieldid = '26' and empyears.fieldid = '33' and income.fieldid = '27' and incometype.fieldid ='25' and paydate1.fieldid ='45' and paydate2.fieldid ='46' and payperiod.fieldid ='28' and rentown.fieldid = '14'and resmonths.fieldid = '9' and resyears.fieldid = '8' and activemilitary.fieldid ='99' and bankphone.fieldid = '24'and dlnumber.fieldid ='19' and dlstate.fieldid ='20' and employeraddress.fieldid ='29' and ref1relationship.fieldid = '39' and employercity.fieldvalue = '30' and employerzip.fieldid ='32' and gender.fieldid ='50' and loanamount.fieldid ='63' and ref1firstname.fieldid = '36' and ref1lastname.fieldid = '37' and ref1phonenumber.fieldid = '38' and workext.fieldid ='60'

    and cu.channel = '5'

    Howevr, as i mentioned if i do it like that it does not return the target number of rows

    Hope its clearer now, it should be, i thought of simplifying it, but i guess that didnt work.


  • You can certainly update from an inner join. That's easy. The trick is to get the join right to start with.

    Instead of doing an update, write the whole thing as a SELECT to start with. Once you're reliably returning the values you think you should, then you just change that into the UPDATE query.

    Nothing you've written jumps out as a problem except that I don't see any INNER JOINS.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

  • Grant has great advice for you here. That is exactly what I do anytime I am writing anything but a simple UPDATE. Once you are sure that your JOINs and filters are producing the correct result set, you can change the statement over to an update and you know exactly which rows will be updated.

    I do this for deletes and inserts as well.

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • my mistake, I see what you're doing now.

    the select would tell you that you have the criteria correct, and hopefully will give you a better idea of what's missing that should be there.

    it might be your join type but i doubt it. The lefts look ok...

    I would start with making sure my criteria is right, use a select to from join 1 progressivly making sure I'm getting the results I want...if 1 of your criteria is incorrect...

    If I'm not getting expected results, I usually start with breaking down the statement to known results, then I build it up until it fails and inspect that point in the chain. Pretty basic really but amazingly effective, usually.

    But I don't see anything wrong with the statement itself.

    Do you normally interact that entire group of tables? Perhaps some of them allow selects but require higher priviledges than the account you're using for update/delete/insert?


  • Think about it... the skinny table is an "EAV" (Entity, Attribute, Value)... a cross tab Select is all that is needed as the source of the update. Would be nasty fast, too.

    Post some data for the skinny table using the principles found in the URL in my signature line so I can show you how...

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • The LEFT JOINs are IMHO incorrect. The way you have written the query, only those rows where ALL columns should be updated will be affected. By putting all these additional conditions into the WHERE clause, you have effectively canceled any LEFTness of the joins.

    All conditions should be inside the join, like that:

    --this means that any rows with aba.fieldid other than '22' (incl. NULL) will be skipped =>actually it is INNER JOIN

    LEFT JOIN leaplabblade05.leadtran.dbo.customerdata aba ON cu.customerid = aba.customerid

    WHERE aba.fieldid = '22'

    --correct left join

    LEFT JOIN leaplabblade05.leadtran.dbo.customerdata aba ON cu.customerid = aba.customerid AND aba.fieldid = '22'

    Anyway, I'm sure Jeff will give you better performing solution if you supply him with some data, so this is just to explain what went wrong with your update.

  • wow, I can't believe I missed that about the lefts. Sorry about that. I'll just stick more with lurking before I post... 🙂

    Jeff, thanks for those guidelines.

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