Trigger with xp_sendmail question

  • I am trying to create a trigger that sends an email based on if the values of the inserted record meet certain criteria.  Here is what I have so far and it seems to be working fine.

    CREATE TRIGGER EastPoorResults

    ON Survey



    Declare @Q1 char,

     @Q2 char,

     @Q3 char,

     @Q4 char,

     @Q5 char,

     @Q6 char

    SELECT @Q1 = i.Q1,

     @Q2 = i.Q2,

     @Q3 = i.Q3,

     @Q4 = i.Q4,

     @Q5 = i.Q5,

     @Q6 = i.Q6

    FROM inserted i INNER JOIN

        CaseInfo c ON i.casenumber = c.CaseID

    IF (@Q1 = '1') OR

        (@Q2 = '1') OR

        (@Q3 = '1') OR

        (@Q4 = '1') OR

        (@Q5 = '1') OR

        (@Q6 = '1') OR

        (@Q1 = '2') OR

        (@Q2 = '2') OR

        (@Q3 = '2') OR

        (@Q4 = '2') OR

        (@Q5 = '2') OR

        (@Q6 = '2')


    EXEC master..xp_sendmail @recipients = 'Curt Ehlinger', @subject = 'Low Survey Results @q1'

    I want it however to send an email that includes information from the inserted record and related information from another table.  I've tried several different approaches but keep getting errors or emails with nothing in them at all.  Here is the query that would contain the information for the email.

    SELECT, Survey.Q1, Survey.Q2, Survey.Q3, Survey.Q4, Survey.Q5, Survey.Q6, Survey.casenumber AS [Case Number], CaseInfo.AccountID AS [Account ID], CaseInfo.Company, CaseInfo.Name, AS [Team], CaseInfo.CloseRep AS [Close Rep], CaseInfo.CloseDate AS [Close Date]

    FROM Survey INNER JOIN CaseInfo ON Survey.casenumber = CaseInfo.CaseID


    Any guidance would be great.  Thanks.

  • Would you not want to create the second select using Inserted rather than Survery as the first condition in the join?

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • You are correct, I want to create the second select using Inserted and I've attempted that as well without much success.

  • Speaking from past experience , I wouldn't have your email in the trigger at all. If the email fails for any reason, the original statement will fail since it will be part of the original transaction. Users will not be happy if they can't use the system because email is down. Can your trigger not insert a row into a new table instead, and have a SQL Server Agent checking the table every 5 minutes or so, and then sending the email from there (and then deleting that row in the table)?

    Emails inside Triggers fire alarm bells in many DBA's eyes, and I'm now one of them.

    Hope it helps.


  • Seconding Andy's post, our experience (yours may vary of course) of XP_Sendmail inside Triggers included many bad things right up to the SQLserver service terminating unexpectedly.

    We moved to having the triggers insert message content into a table, and a separate scheduled job to actually send the messages, and (touch wood) it's been far more reliable.


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