T-SQL select statement modification

  • Hi to everyone

    I am using ms sql 2000 db i am retriving data at run time so i have used T-sql select statement.when retriving data 50% of my code is givng output i.e., it retriving spaceids of my user at run time but it is failing to get the colums like country,state,city pls help me to retive country,state,city also.

    Thanx in advance this is my code

    DECLARE @username varchar(30), @spaceid INT

    DECLARE @s-2 VARCHAR(1000), @r varchar(1000)

    set @username='vinay@gmail.com'

    set @spaceid =''

    set @s-2 = 'select distinct spaceid from staging.dbo.siteownerspaces where username = ' + quotename(@username, '''')

    set @r = 'select country,state,city from staging.dbo.' + quotename('myadvertises'+ cast(@spaceid as varchar(30)),'''')



  • It's either because you have not specified any value for the variable @spaceid or the 2nd statement

    set @r = 'select country,state,city from staging.dbo.' + quotename('myadvertises'+ cast(@spaceid as varchar(30)),'''') is incorrect.


  • Hi Ramesh thanx for ur response yes @r line is not working can u suggest me how to retrive the data from second table i mean the table at @r

  • Change the 2nd statement (i.e. @r) to

    set @r = 'select country,state,city from staging.dbo.[' + 'myadvertises'+ cast(@spaceid as varchar(30)) + ']'

    -- OR

    set @r = 'select country,state,city from staging.dbo.' + quotename('myadvertises'+ cast(@spaceid as varchar(30)),']')


  • Please give us some sample data so we can better help you:


  • Hi everybody after searching a lot i have used the following code to retrive the logged users information the below code is working for only one record i.e., its retriving only one spaceid i have 8 spaceids in my db any suggestions how to retrive all records

    DECLARE @username varchar(30), @spaceid INT

    DECLARE @s-2 VARCHAR(1000), @r varchar(1000)

    set @username='vinay@gmail.com'

    Select distinct @spaceid =spaceid from staging.dbo.siteownerspaces where username = @username

    set @r = 'select ''' + cast(@spaceid as varchar(30)) + ''' As SpaceId, country,state,city from staging.dbo.[myadvertises'+ cast(@spaceid as varchar(30)) + ']'


  • Check if this code works for you?

    DECLARE @username varchar(30),

    @s-2 VARCHAR(MAX)

    SELECT@username = 'vinay@gmail.com'

    SELECT@s-2 = ISNULL( @s-2 + CHAR(10) + 'UNION ALL' + CHAR(10), '' )

    + 'SELECT''' + CONVERT( VARCHAR(30), spaceid ) + ''' AS SpaceID, country, state, city '

    + 'FROMstaging.dbo.[myadvertises'+ CONVERT( VARCHAR(30), spaceid ) + ']'




    WHEREusername = @username

    ) O

    PRINT @s-2

    --EXECUTE( @s-2 )


  • Hi Ramesh Thank u very much ur guys r so great its working great with little modification its came with execute(@s) but i didnt understand some code especially at

    FROM (


    FROM staging.dbo.siteownerspaces

    WHERE username = @username

    ) O

    so please explain the code

    Thank u very much once again

  • I am glad that it worked well.

    Now for the explanation, this section

    FROM (


    FROM staging.dbo.siteownerspaces

    WHERE username = @username

    ) O

    is called as "Derived Table". A derived table is just a normal table except that it is used when you want to select calculated/computed columns, filter rows, re-use the calculated columns in main query etc.

    Here, the purpose of the sub-query is to get DISTINCT spaceids from the table, which is further used to build a dynamic SQL.


  • Thanx a lot for ur explanation.

  • Hi Ramesh i have little problem in the colum of state i have some null values in the place of the null values i want to get 'false' so i have tried this ISNULL(state,'false') AS state but its not working any suggestions

  • Add the following in place of "state"

    ISNULL( NULLIF( LTRIM( RTRIM( [state] ) ), '' ), 'false' )


  • Hi thanx for ur response i have added ur code

    ISNULL( NULLIF( LTRIM( RTRIM( [state] ) ), '' ), 'false' )

    in the place of state its giving error that

    "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'all' "

  • Can you post the exact query that gives you this error?


  • DECLARE @username varchar(30),

    @s-2 VARCHAR(MAX)

    ok this is the query

    SELECT @username = 'kiranyadav.n@gmail.com'

    SELECT @s-2 = ISNULL( @s-2 + CHAR(10) + 'UNION ALL' + CHAR(10), '' )+ 'SELECT ''' + CONVERT( VARCHAR(30), spaceid ) + ''' AS SpaceID, country,ISNULL( NULLIF( LTRIM( RTRIM( [state] ) ), '' ), 'all' ),city,fromdate,todate,cost '+ 'FROM staging.dbo.[myadvertises'+ CONVERT( VARCHAR(30), spaceid ) + ']'

    FROM (


    FROM staging.dbo.siteownerspaces

    WHERE username = @username

    ) O

    --PRINT @s-2

    EXECUTE( @s-2 )

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