Spaces where there shouldn''t be

  • Hi,

    I ran an update statement against a table with password = 'dba'

    The weird thing was that no matter how many spaces I added in my select statement, it would still show the password..


    Update tbl_realtors

    set password = 'dba'


        SELECT company_name, realtor_id, first_name, last_name

        FROM tbl_realtors (NOLOCK)

        WHERE email = ''

        AND password = 'dba          '


    So I updated it again, but the same thing happened.. Is this normal behavior or is there a setting/configuration I'm missing?




  • What is the datatype of the column? I'll bet it's VARCHAR. That will drop trailing blanks.


  • 'dba         ' = 'dba'

    '         ' = ''


    '         dba' < 'dba'

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • To get exact match you mast store passwords in VARBINARY strings, not VARCHAR.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • It looks to be the other way around.  The field is CHAR and so the spaces come back in the select statement because the field is a fixed length.

  • The field is a varchar(20)

  • Bad call.

    Not apropriate datatype for storing passwords.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • my bust, I read too quickly and thought the select was returning the password padded with spaces, not that you weren't getting the expected result when you padded the where clause with spaces.


    to illustrate Sergiy's point


    declare @c1 varbinary(20),@c2 varbinary(20)

    set @c1 = convert(varbinary,'dba')

    set @c2 = convert(varbinary,'dba                 ')

    if @c1 = @c2

    print 'true'

    if @c1 <> @c2

    print 'false'



    declare @c1 varchar(20),@c2 varchar(20)

    set @c1 = convert(varchar,'dba')

    set @c2 = convert(varchar,'dba                 ')

    if @c1 = @c2

    print 'true'

    if @c1 <> @c2

    print 'false'


  • Besides the fact that passwords are stored as human readable text, could someone explain why it is better to store passwords in VARBINARY versus VARCHAR?

  • - uncertain matching (see initial post)

    - collation dependency

    VARBINARY passwords are as human readable as VARCHAR. Just need to use simple CONVERT function.

    Encrypting of passwords is a subject for another discussion.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Simple test ...

    declare @fp varchar(10)

    set @fp = 'dba      ';

    select len(@fp)

    set @fp = '   dba   ';

    select len(@fp)

    set @fp = '   dba   .';

    select len(@fp)

    Verdict : in varchars leading spaces are neglected.


    True Love is Like A Ghost. Everyone Talks About It & Nobody have seen it.

  • I think you mean that trailing spaces are neglected...

    --Jeff Moden

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