SELECT INTO with a Temp Table

  • Iulian -207023 (11/18/2010)

    One innocent remark that does not minimize the high value of the question. I am thinking to drop tbl1 and tb2 tables at the end of the script:

    DROP TABLE tbl1

    DROP TABLE tbl2

    and to place a GO statement before CREATE PROCEDURE since 'CREATE/ALTER PROCEDURE' must be the first statement in a query batch.



    This is exactly why I got this right -- I assumed that the procedure would not compile because it was not the first statement in a batch the way it was written.

  • Iulian -207023 (11/18/2010)

    Great point. Amazing, the compiler see two creations of the #tmpID table and stops the procedure from compiling.

    Do you have at hand some best practices for using DML statements? I am thinking on something like:




    DECLARE @strQueryDML AS VARCHAR(100)

    IF @source = 1

    SET @strQueryDML = 'SELECT ID INTO #tmpID2 FROM tbl1'


    SET @strQueryDML = 'SELECT ID INTO #tmpID2 FROM tbl2'

    EXECUTE (@strQueryDML)



    The DML won't work that way because the temp table that you create in the DML will be released when the DML finishes executing.

    One of two solutions to this.

    IF @source = 1

    SET @strQueryDML = 'SELECT ID INTO #tmpID2 FROM tbl1;

    SELECT * FROM #tmpID2'


    SET @strQueryDML = 'SELECT ID INTO #tmpID2 FROM tbl2;

    SELECT * FROM #tmpID2'

    Or just create the temp table before the IF/ELSE block and use insert INTO instead.

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  • Got it right, but apparently not for the knowledge that the question was intended to test for.

    I assumed it wouldn't compile because the create procedure part wasn't in its own batch.

  • I also was one that selected the right answer because thier where so many errors in the code I determined that was either the right answer, or the one most people would select.

    Is there an FAQ for people making QOTD submisions?

    You would think that as long as QOTD has been going on that we would have one.

    I know I could use one.

  • Hugo Kornelis (11/18/2010)

    Good question; many people would expect this to work. (As I did, the first time I ran into this. And the second, third, ... - I answered correctly but only because I've run into this often enough to cause a permanent dent in my forehead).

    I can only echo Hugo's comment about why I immediately knew the answer before seeing the available multiple choice options: miserable first-hand experience.

    In my case, though, "third" would be followed by "nth", where n was an embarrassingly large integer. :hehe:

    The not-quite-truthful error-message returned in SSMS, "There is already an object named '#MyNonexistentTempTable' in the database.", had me trying to DROP a non-existent table, with, of course, an unproductive outcome.

    My take-home lesson on this is that T-SQL doesn't really like even the few elements of procedural code provided to us (couldn't we please have ELSEIF???) The compiler pretty much ignores the fact that the 2 SELECT..INTO statements are mutually exclusive executions.

    Good question!


  • Thanks for the question, I too have run into this and now know better.

    As for the missing GOs I thought about that being a problem, but since you had each command separated into a separate code block I assumed that wasn't your intent. (Even though the question was "What would be the result returned from the following script?")

  • Nice question and great follow up discussion.

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  • nice question... learned something new today...:-)

  • Thanks for the explanation vk-kirov and mtassin.



  • Good question, thanks for taking the time to help educate the SQL community.

    Hope this helps,


  • This is crazy -- I didn't even think of the problem that happens, since the two table creation statements are in different parts of the IF block. But if that's the way it works, then it is good to know.



    A SQL query walks into a bar and sees two tables. He walks up to them and asks, "Can I join you?"

  • RichardDouglas (11/22/2010)

    Good question, thanks for taking the time to help educate the SQL community.

    I assure you that it's nearly always the other way around 😉

  • Thanks for the question.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • Great question on the stored procedure.

    Thanks. 🙂

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