Running a stored proc on table results

  • I'm not sure of the best way to do this so I figured I'd ask here.

    Essentially, I need to check the expiration dates of all reps and based on how close they are to the expiration date send them an email.


    Rep1 expiration date is 12/13 which is 30 days away so I send expirationmessage 1

    Rep2 expiration date is 1/13 which is 60 days away so I send expirationmessage 2


    So far i'm creating a table with reps who will need the same expirationmessage and i'd like to send this table to a stored proc to actually send this message.

    Unfortunately, i'm lost as to how to do this. Currently i've got this

    declare @EO90Reps table(email nvarchar(50))

    insert into @EO90Reps
    select email from reps where dateterminated is null and (datediff(dd,eoexpirationdate, getdate()) >= 90)

    exec JOB_EOExpirationMail00 @EO90Reps

    I keep getting an error that I haven't declared @EO90Reps

    Is there a better way to do this?

  • Table data type can't be used as a parameter in stored procedures!

    you will have to create a loop to cyle through the table to either send an message per rep or better yet concatenate all reps email addresses separating them by semicolon

    and send a unique email with the recpientlist built as explained above


    * Noel

  • Use a temporary table instead of a table variable.



  • This actually sounds like a good idea! all I have to do now is work on creating the loop. Anybody want to provide a code sample?


    Table data type can't be used as a parameter in stored procedures!

    you will have to create a loop to cyle through the table to either send an message per rep or better yet concatenate all reps email addresses separating them by semicolon

    and send a unique email with the recpientlist built as explained above


  • Ok so I decided to that putting all the addresses in one variable and sending that to xp_mail would be my best bet. Here's how i'm trying to do it:

    declare @r nvarchar(25)
    declare @mail nvarchar(250)
    declare reps_cursor cursor for
    select email from reps where dateterminated is null and (datediff(dd,eoexpirationdate, getdate()) > 90)

    open reps_cursor

    fetch next from reps_cursor

    while (@@fetch_status =0)
    set @mail = @mail + @r + ';'
    fetch next from reps_cursor into @r

    close reps_cursor
    deallocate reps_cursor

    select @mail

    but it's only going as far as the first record. Am I doing something wrong?

    Edited by - thundr51 on 11/14/2003 06:55:34 AM

  • Your query will result in null because you have not initialized @mail, use

    set @mail = '' 

    or simply do this

    set @mail = '' 
    select @mail = @mail + email + ';' from reps
    where dateterminated is null
    and (datediff(dd,eoexpirationdate, getdate()) > 90)

    Edited by - davidburrows on 11/14/2003 07:07:55 AM

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • quote:

    Your query will result in null because you have not initialized @mail, use

    set @mail = '' 

    or simply do this

    set @mail = '' 
    select @mail = @mail + email + ';' from reps
    where dateterminated is null
    and (datediff(dd,eoexpirationdate, getdate()) > 90)

    Or, even more simply (with no trailing delimiter and no need to initialize the variable):

    SELECT @mail = ISNULL(@mail + ';','') + Email
    FROM Reps
    WHERE DateTerminated IS NULL
    AND (DATEDIFF(dd,EoExpirationDate,GETDATE()) > 90)

    Although, as your called SP obviously was written to work with the values in a table, I don't know why you don't just use a temporary table; do you now have to parse this string in the called SP?



  • Nice one Jonathan, will have to remember that one

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • At this point my query isn't really returning anything...i think

    At this very moment i'm running this query on Query Analyzer and it STILL hasn't return yet.

    I thought that maybe initializing the @mail was the cause but that doesn't seem to be it.


    Your query will result in null because you have not initialized @mail, use

    set @mail = '' 

    or simply do this

    set @mail = '' 
    select @mail = @mail + email + ';' from reps
    where dateterminated is null
    and (datediff(dd,eoexpirationdate, getdate()) > 90)

    Edited by - davidburrows on 11/14/2003 07:07:55 AM

  • I suspect that as exipration date is in the future, your datediff will result in a negative number and never be > 90.

    Try swapping the dates around:

    datediff(dd,getdate(),eoexpirationdate) > 90)


  • Actually you're correct but I was still getting results (26 to be exact) but at this point that wasn't my problem.

    Here's what i've got now

    declare @r nvarchar(25)
    declare @mail nvarchar(250)
    set @mail = ' '
    set @r = ' '
    declare reps_cursor cursor for
    select email from reps
    where dateterminated is null and (datediff(dd,getdate(),eoexpirationdate) >= 0)
    and (datediff(dd,getdate(),eoexpirationdate) <= 29) and eoexpirationdate > getdate()
    and email is not null

    open reps_cursor

    fetch next from reps_cursor into @r

    while (@@fetch_status =0)
    set @mail = @mail + @r + ';'
    fetch next from reps_cursor into @r

    close reps_cursor
    deallocate reps_cursor

    select @mail

    everything looks ok to me yet this query has been running for over 7 mins and is STILL GOING!

    my cursor select is returning 3 records so I know it shouldn't take that long to concat three emails...

    I believe the problem lies in my set statement

    set @mail = @mail + @r + ';'

    If I take it out everything kinda works (not the result i'm looking for but still is the correct/expected results). Is it not possible to set a variable in a while loop??


    I suspect that as exipration date is in the future, your datediff will result in a negative number and never be > 90.

    Try swapping the dates around:

    datediff(dd,getdate(),eoexpirationdate) > 90)


  • It might be the while clause.

    open reps_cursor

    fetch next from reps_cursor into @r

    while (@@fetch_status =0) begin

    set @mail = @mail + @r + ';'

    fetch next from reps_cursor into @r


    close reps_cursor

    deallocate reps_cursor

    select @mail

    I think all it is doing is looping round set @mail = @mail + @r + ';'


  • That worked!

    I don't quite understand why though

    I expected that I needed

    to loop around the set statement.

    I was thinking along the lines of

    a regular 'while' like in VB or C#

    where the last fetch was like a 'end while'

    I shall have to be more careful next time.

    Thanx again!


    It might be the while clause.

    open reps_cursor

    fetch next from reps_cursor into @r

    while (@@fetch_status =0) begin

    set @mail = @mail + @r + ';'

    fetch next from reps_cursor into @r


    close reps_cursor

    deallocate reps_cursor

    select @mail

    I think all it is doing is looping round set @mail = @mail + @r + ';'


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