Pull in a current value

  • Hope everyone had a great holiday!

    I was wondering if there is away to pull in a value of the current record if the query looks like this?


    @partno1 char(25) --@partno char(25),

    Set @partno1 = 'FPM 413Z5000-94701-'

    --Set @partno = (Select fpartno from inrtgs Where fpartno like @partno1)

    INSERT INTO [M2MDATA01].[dbo].[inrtgs]







    ("I want this value to be the fpartno of the current record"




    ,' '







    ,'QA '








    ,' '


    ,'Default '






    WHERE     (fpartno LIKE rtrim(@partno1) + '%'

  • Not this?

    insert into ....

    values (@partno, '00', ...


  • I think you are asking for 

    INSERT INTO table1 ( columns) SELECT coulmns FROM table 2

    WHERE fpartno LIKE rtrim(@partno1) + '%'



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