Last Friday of given week

  • Hi ppl,

    I'm looking to get back the date (dmy) of the last friday of a given week to be passed as yyyyww into a function.

    The first day of the week will always be Monday for this.

    I really need something that works as I have spent way over my budget in getting this correct. The problem I am currently struggling with is because of leap years the date gets screwy.



  • Please post sample data, required results from that data, the solution you currently have and what is wrong with it.  That'll get you an answer much faster than you can imagine :-).

  • The code below should do the trick.. TSQL below not the actual function...

    DECLARE @argYearWeek VARCHAR(6), @aWeek INT, @aJan1 DATETIME, @aFridayOffset int

    SET @argYearWeek = '200733'

    SET @aWeek = CAST(RIGHT(@argYearWeek,2) AS INT)

    SET @aJan1 = LEFT(@argYearWeek, 4) + '/01/01'

    SELECT @aFridayOffset = 6 - DATEPART(dw,@ajan1)

    --Note: this is dependent upon [SET DATEFIRST]

    SELECT DATEADD(dd, (@aWeek - 1) * 7 + @aFridayOffset, LEFT(@argYearWeek, 4) + '/01/01')


  • hmm. set all the variables so nicely above and then didn't replace


    SELECT DATEADD(dd, (@aWeek - 1) * 7 + @aFridayOffset, @aJan1)

  • The last Friday of a given week?  Do you have weeks with more then one Friday?

  • Is week 1 of any year always starting with the monday on January 1 or nearest monday after?

    Or do you want simple ISO week calulation? Then remember that there can be two week 1 or two week 52 any a year.


    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • This does not depend on DATEFIRST settings:

    Declare @D datetime

    SET @D = GETDATE()+1

    SELECT @D, DATEADD(dd, 6 - (@@Datefirst + Datepart(dw, @D) ) %7 , @D) as NextFriday

    Will return next Friday no matter what.

    Even if it's first Friday of next year.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Sergiy, your solution as usual is brilliant, but if you check back the OP wants to process an argument that is in yyyyww format.



    Experience is a bad teacher whose exams precede its lessons

  • I saw at least 3 different ways of interpreting "22nd week of the year".

    I believe OP knows better when Nth week starts and when it finishes, so it's up to OP to convert YYYYWW to the actual date.

    There's nothing to do about it with T-SQL.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • I am a greenhorn in SQL, so I hope you understand that I asked out of curiosity, not to show off. No offense intended.



    Experience is a bad teacher whose exams precede its lessons

  • Actually I did not find there any attempt of offence from your side.

    I just explained why I took it from the point of known date and did not show how to get actual date from YYYYMM.

    Stay cool.

    Keep annoying brilliant people with questions out of curiosity.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Since Sergiy did the hard part, here is an extention to use year and week:

    create table #YWK

    (yyyyww char(6) not null )

    insert into #YWK

    (yyyyww )

    select '200701' union select '200726' union select '200752' union

    select '200753' union select '200754' union select '200755'

    SELECT yyyyww


    -- Sergiy

    , DATEADD(dd, 6 - (@@Datefirst + Datepart(dw, MondayDt) ) %7 , MondayDt) as NextFriday


    -- Carl get monday's date for any week number

    ( select yyyyww

    , DATEADD( dd

    , ( cast ( substring(yyyyww,5,2) as integer ) - 1 ) * 7

    , cast ( substring(yyyyww,1,4) + '-01-01' as datetime ) )

    as MondayDt

    from #YWK

    ) as X

    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

  • Sorry, the column Monday's date is incorrect and needs to be a variation of Sergiy's Friday algorithm:

    if object_id('tempdb..#YWK') is not null drop table #YWK

    create table #YWK

    (yyyyww char(6) not null )

    insert into #YWK

    (yyyyww )

    select '200701' union select '200702' union select '200726' union select '200752' union

    select '200753' union select '200754' union select '200755' union

    select '200801' union select '200802' union select '200826' union select '200852' union

    select '200853' union select '200854' union select '200855'

    SELECT yyyyww

    , DATEADD(dd, 2 - (@@Datefirst + Datepart(dw, WkDt) ) %7 , WkDt) as ThisMonday

    -- Sergiy

    , DATEADD(dd, 6 - (@@Datefirst + Datepart(dw, WkDt) ) %7 , WkDt) as NextFriday


    -- Carl get monday's date for any week number

    ( select yyyyww

    , DATEADD( dd

    , ( cast ( substring(yyyyww,5,2) as integer ) - 1 ) * 7

    , cast ( substring(yyyyww,1,4) + '-01-01' as datetime ) )

    as WkDt

    from #YWK

    ) as X

    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

  • Nice touch.

    Thanks Carl Serge.

    Carl, if you can get ThisMonday from your code, can't you short-circuit it to get NextFriday too? I tried it, works fine.

    if object_id('tempdb..#YWK') is not null drop table #YWK

    create table #YWK

    ( yyyyww char(6) not null )

    insert into #YWK

    (yyyyww )

    select '200701' union select '200702' union select '200726' union select '200752' union

    select '200753' union select '200754' union select '200755' union

    select '200801' union select '200802' union select '200826' union select '200852' union

    select '200853' union select '200854' union select '200855'

    select yyyyww

    , DATEADD( dd

    , ( cast ( substring(yyyyww,5,2) as integer ) - 1 ) * 7

    , cast ( substring(yyyyww,1,4) + '-01-05' as datetime ) )

    as WkDt

    from #YWK



    Experience is a bad teacher whose exams precede its lessons

  • Tank you to all for the help provided. I used a combination of te solutions provided to come up with the solution required + a little customization. In the end it works better than I could have hoped for.

    Thanx again. Seems to me that I will have to start using these forums more often. It is such a wealth of tech knowledge.

    Happy codeing


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