dynamically generated SQL -- can''t get @@rowcount!!

  • the code block is living inside a sproc that gets run nightly. I need to verify that at least some number of records were inserted, but I can't figure out how to get the @@rowcount from the "select into" statement below.

    I've been playing around with "exec", but scope seems to be an issue.

    SET @cmd = '


    INTO[mail_bounceback_' + CONVERT(varchar(10), @today, 112) + ']


    DROP TABLE [mail_bounceback_' + CONVERT(varchar(10), @today-14, 112) + ']


    EXEC (@cmd)

  • I think this does what you want

    SET @cmd =  'declare @rows int; ' +

      'SELECT * INTO [mail_bounceback_' + CONVERT(varchar(10), @today, 112) + '] ' +

      'FROM sysprocesses; ' +

      'select @rows = @@rowcount; '+

      'DROP TABLE [mail_bounceback_' + CONVERT(varchar(10), @today-14, 112) + ']; ' +

      'select @rows as qty_affected'

    EXEC sp_executesql @cmd

  • thanks Mike, but this yields the scoping issue I can't get around. I need to be able to do something with the value of @@ROWCOUNT, so I can't just send it to standard output.

    declare @cmd varchar(512)

    SET @cmd = 'declare @rows int ' +

    'SELECT * INTO zzzgregtemp ' +

    'from emailencrypt ' +

    'select @rows = @@rowcount'

    EXEC (@cmd)

    select @rows


    Server: Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 10

    Must declare the variable '@rows'.

    How would I get that standard output into a local variable?

  • Read BOL about sp_executesql, especially the part about using output parameters.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Thanks Sergiy, but nothing in the 4 subtopics under sp_executesql in my BOL about "output" params

    Here's what I've fabricated so far and it's not working:

    DROP TABLE zzzgregtemp


    DECLARE @paramdef NVARCHAR(128)

    DECLARE @cmd NVARCHAR(512)


    SET @cmd = N'SELECT * INTO zzzgregtemp ' +

    'from emailencrypt ' +

    'select @numrows = @@rowcount'

    SET @paramdef = N'@numrows INT OUTPUT'

    EXECUTE sp_executesql @cmd,


    @a = @numrows OUT

    SELECT @a


    I had to switch the output param name with the local variable:

    DECLARE @paramdef NVARCHAR(128)

    DECLARE @cmd NVARCHAR(512)


    SET @cmd = N'SELECT * INTO zzzgregtemp ' +

    'from emailencrypt ' +

    'select @numrows = @@rowcount'

    SET @paramdef = N'@numrows INT OUTPUT'

    EXECUTE sp_executesql @cmd,


    @numrows = @a OUT

    SELECT @a

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