Dynamic Date Range in CASE?

  • Is there any valid way to write a CASE statement like this?

    Select distinct d.Field1, Field2,

    count (CASE when Field3 = 1 and (DateField between select getdate() -2 and select getdate() - 0) Then Field3 END) As [Total]

    This isn't the entire query but if I can find a way to put a dynamic date range in CASE for this then I can apply it to others as needed.


  • is this what you looking for :

    Select distinct d.Field1, Field2,

    count (CASE

    when Field3 = 1 and (DateField between DATEADD(dd,-1getdate()) and getdate())

    Then Field3

    END) As [Total]

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  • Chris thanks for the fast reply. I get a syntax error near 'getdate'.

    I thought maybe it was due to a space needed between -1 and the first getdate but that wasn't it...

    Select distinct d.Field1, Field2,

    count (CASE when Field3 = 1 and (DateField between DATEADD(dd,-1 getdate()) and getdate()) Then Field3 END) As [Total]

    Any suggestion?

  • you need a comma where you put that space, i.e.

    DATEADD(dd,-1 , getdate())

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Much thanks to you both and Matt your tag line is one of my favorite sayings!

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