CASE Function

  • Hi,

    Great forum and wonderful topics. I am new to T-SQL, but have experience with Access code. I am trying to get a list of people with special days. Some have one day, others more than one. I am is using CASE as follows:

    - If a person has only one day as a special day, then list it

    - If a person has more than one day, then list them with a comma and a space

    This is the code I've written so far:

    USE Students


    CASE WHEN ISNULL(MondayRequired, '') = '' THEN '' ELSE 'Monday, ' END) +

    CASE WHEN ISNULL(TuesdayRequired, '') = '' THEN '' ELSE 'Tuesday, ' END) +

    CASE WHEN ISNULL(WednesdayRequired, '') = '' THEN '' ELSE 'Wednesday, ' END) +

    CASE WHEN ISNULL(ThursdayRequired, '') = '' THEN '' ELSE 'Thursday, ' END) +

    CASE WHEN ISNULL(FridayRequired, '') = '' THEN '' ELSE 'Friday ' END) AS [Special Days]

    From StudentSpecialNeeds


    ((CASE WHEN ISNULL(MondayRequired, '') = '' THEN '' ELSE 'Monday, ' END) +

    (CASE WHEN ISNULL(TuesdayRequired,'') = '' THEN '' ELSE 'Tuesday, ' END) +

    (CASE WHEN ISNULL(WednesdayRequired, '') = '' THEN '' ELSE 'Wednesday, ' END) +

    (CASE WHEN ISNULL(ThursdayRequired, '') = '' THEN '' ELSE 'Thursday, ' END) +

    (CASE WHEN ISNULL(FridayRequired, '') = '' THEN '' ELSE 'Friday ' END) > '')

    This is part of the result:

    Tuesday, Wednesday,



    Monday, Wednesday, Friday

    So, the problem I have is that I don't know how to eliminate the comma and the single space after a day in cases where there's one special day or two.

    Thanks for any help you can provide me with.


  • Change your string to start with the comma.

    So instead of: 'Tuesday, Wednesday, '

    It would be: ', Tuesday, Wednesday'

    And then you're able to always cutoff the 1st two characters.


    SET @STR = ', Tuesday, Wednesday'

    SELECT RIGHT(@str, LEN(@str)-2)

    - Nate

  • Thanks Nate!

    I'll give it a try and let you know of the outcome.


  • RP_DBA (2/4/2011)

    Change your string to start with the comma.

    So instead of: 'Tuesday, Wednesday, '

    It would be: ', Tuesday, Wednesday'

    And then you're able to always cutoff the 1st two characters.


    SET @STR = ', Tuesday, Wednesday'

    SELECT RIGHT(@str, LEN(@str)-2)

    Hi Nate,

    I am still getting some instances with commas and spaces. In the sample I gave I am using 5 existing fields, either null or not null. Is there any way I can use/declare the field "Special Days" in the SELECT statement and say >'' and then use that with RIGHT AND LEN?



  • All that you want in one short answer:

    Prepare the data (you should have posted that!):

    select MondayRequired='x', TuesdayRequired='x', WednesdayRequired = 'x', ThursdayRequired='x', FridayRequired='x'

    into #WeekSchedules

    union all select 'x', '', null, '', 'x'

    union all select '', '', 'x', '', ''

    union all select null, null, null, 'x', null

    select * from #WeekSchedules

    And the solution:

    select ScheduleCSV = stuff( sch.ScheduleCSV, 1, 2, ''),

    TotalLength = len( sch.ScheduleCSV )


    (select ScheduleCSV =

    CASE WHEN ws.MondayRequired <> '' THEN ', Monday' ELSE '' END

    + CASE WHEN ws.TuesdayRequired <> '' THEN ', Tuesday' ELSE '' END

    + CASE WHEN ws.WednesdayRequired <> '' THEN ', Wednesday' ELSE '' END

    + CASE WHEN ws.ThursdayRequired <> '' THEN ', Thursday' ELSE '' END

    + CASE WHEN ws.FridayRequired <> '' THEN ', Friday' ELSE '' END

    from #WeekSchedules ws

    ) sch


    ScheduleCSV TotalLength


    Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday46

    Monday, Friday16



    Cheers! :smooooth:

    Vedran Kesegic

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    XDetails Addin - for SQL Developers - Transaction log myths
  • Hi,

    Programming is not and has never been my forte. I am not looking to create a database from scratch following the best parameters possible. I am working with data that already exists as it was migrated from Access to SQL Server 2008. Thanks for your suggestion of looking into 1NF and RDBMS. For the moment I need kludges to understand basic functions to get what I need.

    CELKO (2/4/2011)

    You are going to have an un-learning curve. SQL is a database language, period. The front end does all of the display formatting, never the database. Only single user, desktop products combine both functions. It is like COBOL used to be, if you are that old.

    What you want to do violated First Normal Form (1NF). This is the foundation of RDBMS. Have you read any books on RDBMS?

    There are kludges in T-SQL to do what you asked, but try to be a better programmer than that.

  • Hi Vedran,

    Interesting suggestion. Sometimes I do use tallies, however, at the moment I simply need to list instances of people who have special days in their schedules. I need to see what those days are and eliminate commas and spaces after the special day if there is only one value in the field.


  • jfm3 (2/7/2011)

    Sometimes I do use tallies, however, at the moment I simply need to list instances of people who have special days in their schedules. I need to see what those days are and eliminate commas and spaces after the special day if there is only one value in the field.

    Where do you see the tally in the script? It's not there.

    Did you try to run the script ?

    It gives you just what you have been described. You can add the names of the students or remove len() if you don't need it.

    When you ask for a solution, It is always a good practice to provide complete script to create test table(s) and data, and the result you expect (not description, but exact data you expect as result).

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    XDetails Addin - for SQL Developers - Transaction log myths
  • Hi,

    I meant to say the number of days.

    My original code is like the following:

    use Students

    SELECT StudentID As ID, StudentLFM As [Student Name],

    (CASE WHEN ISNULL(MondayRequired, '') = '' THEN '' ELSE 'Monday, ' END) +

    (CASE WHEN ISNULL(TuesdayRequired, '') = '' THEN '' ELSE 'Tuesday, ' END) +

    (CASE WHEN ISNULL(WednesdayRequired, '') = '' THEN '' ELSE 'Wednesday, ' END) +

    (CASE WHEN ISNULL(ThursdayRequired, '') = '' THEN '' ELSE 'Thursday, ' END) +

    (CASE WHEN ISNULL(FridayRequired, '') = '' THEN '' ELSE 'Friday ' END) AS [Special Days]

    FROM StudentName

    inner join NAMEPERSONNAME

    on StudentName.StudentID = PERSONNAME.PersonID_Number

    WHERE ((CASE WHEN ISNULL(MondayRequired, '') = '' THEN '' ELSE 'Monday, ' END) +

    (CASE WHEN ISNULL(TuesdayRequired,'') = '' THEN '' ELSE 'Tuesday, ' END) +

    (CASE WHEN ISNULL(WednesdayRequired, '') = '' THEN '' ELSE 'Wednesday, ' END) +

    (CASE WHEN ISNULL(ThursdayRequired, '') = '' THEN '' ELSE 'Thursday, ' END) +

    (CASE WHEN ISNULL(FridayRequired, '') = '' THEN '' ELSE 'Friday ' END) > '')

    order by StudentLFM

    I did try the script you provided and it is pretty neat. It is the closest one to get what I need.


  • Hey Vedran,

    Your code really worked. I'm grateful for your help. Can you please explain some of your sample a little bit further? I have a few textbooks I am using as I work my way around some problems, but I could not find enough information related to your syntax. For example, what exactly is "ws" used with the STUFF function? This is also after the closing parentheses at the bottom. As per "ws" I found out to be White Space, but I don't understand why it must go after the table name that it is being used. And last but not least, I would like to join another table to add more information to my query. Where should I place my joins within this code?

    Thanks and cheers!

  • You're welcome! 😉


    what exactly is "ws" used with the STUFF function?

    "ws" is alias I choosed for #WeekSchedules table, ommiting optional "AS" keyword (I could write "from #WeekSchedules AS ws" or "from #WeekSchedules AS WkSched").

    It's good practice to use aliases instead of full table names to shorten typing.

    It is also recommended to prefix each column with alias of the table that column belongs to. You will avoid some misunderstandings and errors if you do so, even if there is just one table with no joins.

    The same is with "sch" after parenthesis. Result of SELECT within parenthesis is in the form of table, and I'm also giving that derived table (it's actually called "inline view") an alias.


    Where should I place my joins within this code?

    It would be very helpful to you to read some good tutorial on SQL basics, joins, etc.

    You could do something like this:

    select s.LastName, s.FirstName, s.SpecialDays



    select SpecialDays =

    CASE WHEN sn.MondayRequired <> '' THEN ', Monday' ELSE '' END

    + CASE WHEN sn.TuesdayRequired <> '' THEN ', Tuesday' ELSE '' END

    + CASE WHEN sn.WednesdayRequired <> '' THEN ', Wednesday' ELSE '' END

    + CASE WHEN sn.ThursdayRequired <> '' THEN ', Thursday' ELSE '' END

    + CASE WHEN sn.FridayRequired <> '' THEN ', Friday' ELSE '' END,

    FirstName = pn.Name,

    LastName = pn.LastName

    from StudentName sn

    join PersonName pn ON sn.StudentID = pn.ID

    ) s

    WHERE s.SpecialDays <> ''

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    XDetails Addin - for SQL Developers - Transaction log myths
  • CELKO (2/4/2011)

    You are going to have an un-learning curve. SQL is a database language, period. The front end does all of the display formatting, never the database. Only single user, desktop products combine both functions. It is like COBOL used to be, if you are that old.

    What you want to do violated First Normal Form (1NF). This is the foundation of RDBMS. Have you read any books on RDBMS?

    There are kludges in T-SQL to do what you asked, but try to be a better programmer than that.

    BWAA-HAAAA!!!! Never say "Never", Joe. There are such things as databases with no GUI interface. 😉

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Solution is kind of similar to that of Nate.


    SET @STR = ' Monday' -- 2 spaces here

    SET @STR = ', Tuesday, Wednesday'

    SELECT SUBSTRING(@str,2,len(@str))

  • Dude, I feel like a little kid with a new toy!

    This really helped. Thanks for your kind advise and suggestion on books. I have the following:

    - Beginning T-SQL With Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and 2008

    - Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services

    - Beginning SQL Server 2008 for Developers

    - Microsoft Server 2008 Reporting Services

    They are good, but they lack the explaining of some basic steps. Do you recommend any titles? I'll browse through the Books section of this great forum.


    Vedran Kesegic (2/7/2011)

    You're welcome! 😉


    what exactly is "ws" used with the STUFF function?

    "ws" is alias I choosed for #WeekSchedules table, ommiting optional "AS" keyword (I could write "from #WeekSchedules AS ws" or "from #WeekSchedules AS WkSched").

    It's good practice to use aliases instead of full table names to shorten typing.

    It is also recommended to prefix each column with alias of the table that column belongs to. You will avoid some misunderstandings and errors if you do so, even if there is just one table with no joins.

    The same is with "sch" after parenthesis. Result of SELECT within parenthesis is in the form of table, and I'm also giving that derived table (it's actually called "inline view") an alias.


    Where should I place my joins within this code?

    It would be very helpful to you to read some good tutorial on SQL basics, joins, etc.

    You could do something like this:

    select s.LastName, s.FirstName, s.SpecialDays



    select SpecialDays =

    CASE WHEN sn.MondayRequired <> '' THEN ', Monday' ELSE '' END

    + CASE WHEN sn.TuesdayRequired <> '' THEN ', Tuesday' ELSE '' END

    + CASE WHEN sn.WednesdayRequired <> '' THEN ', Wednesday' ELSE '' END

    + CASE WHEN sn.ThursdayRequired <> '' THEN ', Thursday' ELSE '' END

    + CASE WHEN sn.FridayRequired <> '' THEN ', Friday' ELSE '' END,

    FirstName = pn.Name,

    LastName = pn.LastName

    from StudentName sn

    join PersonName pn ON sn.StudentID = pn.ID

    ) s

    WHERE s.SpecialDays <> ''

  • Thanks. This now makes sense if I were to take a different approach.

    Warm regards.

    touchmeknot (2/7/2011)

    Solution is kind of similar to that of Nate.


    SET @STR = ' Monday' -- 2 spaces here

    SET @STR = ', Tuesday, Wednesday'

    SELECT SUBSTRING(@str,2,len(@str))

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