Backup and restore issue.

  • All,

    I am copy my databases from server A to server B by backup and restore.

    since I want the process to be automated, I created a job on server A . to copy the bakup files from the nightly job of Server A using Xcopy form a batch file. the process is working and the files gets copied to the server B.

    now I can simply write the restore script and run that as a job on server B.

    the issue is .

    the database files the of the naming convention databasename_2015_03_30_(some randon numbers,5192996).bak

    to automate the process i want one of the two options.

    - when xcopy copies the file to destination it will change the nae fo the file to simply databasename.bak

    - or the restore script shoudl be able to pick the latest backup file in the folder base don the date/time.

    Any help in appreciated.


  • You can either pull in a directory listing for the folder that contains the backup and use that to determine the most recent, or you can query msdb on Server A to find out the most recent backup for a particular database.


  • So I've used the following powershell script to copy the latest backup file from one folder to another:-

    $H = (dir \\<SOURCE FILEPATH> *bak | sort -prop LastWriteTime | select -last 1).name

    $H = "\\<SOURCE FILEPATH>\" + $H


    Does this help?

  • Thanks DBA from the Cold.

    I am new to Power shell but can give this a try. But copying the latest file is still being done by my Xcopy command, the problem is , than I have to go and manually change the restore script for the database restore.

    Is there a way we can change the destination file name to simply datbase.bak. this was i don't have to make changes to destination file and process can be automated.

  • Have a look in the detailed description section here:-

    Copy-item allows you to rename an item by using the destination parameter

  • Another approach:

    Share a folder between the machines for the backup, use a static backup file name that can be reused (with INIT) and optionally use a copy only backup if desired to not affect your normal backup chains. Schedule the backup on Prod before scheduling the restore on Test:

    -- Prod DB Backup


    TO DISK = '\\TestSQL01\LogShipped_Backups\DBNameIE_full_CopyOnly.BAK'


    DESCRIPTION = 'Copy_Only Backup for Automated Restore to TestSQL01.'


    --Test DB Restore

    USE master


    FROM DISK = '\\TestSQL01\LogShipped_Backups\DBNameIE_full_CopyOnly.BAK'


    --,MOVE 'DBNameIE_Data' TO 'E:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.TestSQL01\MSSQL\Data\DBNameIETST.mdf',

    --MOVE 'DBNameIE_Log' TO 'F:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.TestSQL01\MSSQL\Data\DBNameIETST_log.ldf'


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