Are the posted questions getting worse?

  • rodjkidd (2/24/2016)

    Grumpy DBA (2/24/2016) (2/24/2016)

    /Me leans back, grabs bucket of popcorn

    Sure sounds like Gail answered the original question, yet for some reason the OP decided to focus on the comments about performance...

    Wow... slide over, hope you made enough popcorn for two.

    "You need to read questions properly before answering. Three times I stated the question and three times you have gone off on a tangent." Seriously?

    Yes I read that comment with some surprise

    Pity I now have a 4 hour plus drive ahead of me, would like to watch that one.

    Sounds as though they have made up their mind to do it, and just wants someone to say "yes that's right, go ahead and do that" :O


    Is the user name related to the attitude?

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Grumpy DBA (2/24/2016) (2/24/2016)

    /Me leans back, grabs bucket of popcorn

    Sure sounds like Gail answered the original question, yet for some reason the OP decided to focus on the comments about performance...

    Wow... slide over, hope you made enough popcorn for two.

    "You need to read questions properly before answering. Three times I stated the question and three times you have gone off on a tangent." Seriously?

    F5 F5 F5 [popcorn break] F5 ...

  • Luis Cazares (2/24/2016)

    rodjkidd (2/24/2016)

    Grumpy DBA (2/24/2016) (2/24/2016)

    /Me leans back, grabs bucket of popcorn

    Sure sounds like Gail answered the original question, yet for some reason the OP decided to focus on the comments about performance...

    Wow... slide over, hope you made enough popcorn for two.

    "You need to read questions properly before answering. Three times I stated the question and three times you have gone off on a tangent." Seriously?

    Yes I read that comment with some surprise

    Pity I now have a 4 hour plus drive ahead of me, would like to watch that one.

    Sounds as though they have made up their mind to do it, and just wants someone to say "yes that's right, go ahead and do that" :O


    Is the user name related to the attitude?

    I think so, Luis. I didn't see any tangents there. It looked like a standard request...response to me.

    Like Rodders said, they probably just want to do it. If someone else says to do it, then when it doesn't give them what they're looking for, they can point to the post and blame bad internet advice.

  • (2/24/2016)

    /Me leans back, grabs bucket of popcorn

    Sure sounds like Gail answered the original question, yet for some reason the OP decided to focus on the comments about performance...

    Wow. Just wow.

    I like mine with butter.

  • djj (2/24/2016) (2/24/2016)

    /Me leans back, grabs bucket of popcorn

    Sure sounds like Gail answered the original question, yet for some reason the OP decided to focus on the comments about performance...

    Wow. Just wow.

    I like mine with butter.

    And maybe some white cheddar.:-)

    When you have daily sliding window, I tend to think cube.

  • (2/24/2016)

    /Me leans back, grabs bucket of popcorn

    Sure sounds like Gail answered the original question, yet for some reason the OP decided to focus on the comments about performance...

    INSERT INTO UsersToBeIgnored...

    Though, I might have to partition that table, it's running the current file out of space. 🙂

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • GilaMonster (2/24/2016) (2/24/2016)

    /Me leans back, grabs bucket of popcorn

    Sure sounds like Gail answered the original question, yet for some reason the OP decided to focus on the comments about performance...

    INSERT INTO UsersToBeIgnored...

    Though, I might have to partition that table, it's running the current file out of space. 🙂

    Then would you have multiple files in the partition? Would you span them across a gpt formatted volume? Should the volume be offset at 17.5k or something else?

    What are the performance implications?

    So what you are saying is the end result is that the partitioned table sucks for performance? 😉

    What if we have 8 files per partition per database? Would that make performance better?

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
    Learn Extended Events

  • SQLRNNR (2/24/2016)

    GilaMonster (2/24/2016) (2/24/2016)

    /Me leans back, grabs bucket of popcorn

    Sure sounds like Gail answered the original question, yet for some reason the OP decided to focus on the comments about performance...

    INSERT INTO UsersToBeIgnored...

    Though, I might have to partition that table, it's running the current file out of space. 🙂

    Then would you have multiple files in the partition? Would you span them across a gpt formatted volume? Should the volume be offset at 17.5k or something else?

    What are the performance implications?

    So what you are saying is the end result is that the partitioned table sucks for performance? 😉

    What if we have 8 files per partition per database? Would that make performance better?

    /Me hands Gail a wet fish, steps back out of the splatter zone...


  • SQLRNNR (2/24/2016)

    GilaMonster (2/24/2016) (2/24/2016)

    /Me leans back, grabs bucket of popcorn

    Sure sounds like Gail answered the original question, yet for some reason the OP decided to focus on the comments about performance...

    INSERT INTO UsersToBeIgnored...

    Though, I might have to partition that table, it's running the current file out of space. 🙂

    Then would you have multiple files in the partition? Would you span them across a gpt formatted volume? Should the volume be offset at 17.5k or something else?

    What are the performance implications?

    So what you are saying is the end result is that the partitioned table sucks for performance? 😉

    What if we have 8 files per partition per database? Would that make performance better?

    Depends on what time sunset is and which planets are ascending.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • (2/24/2016)

    SQLRNNR (2/24/2016)

    GilaMonster (2/24/2016) (2/24/2016)

    /Me leans back, grabs bucket of popcorn

    Sure sounds like Gail answered the original question, yet for some reason the OP decided to focus on the comments about performance...

    INSERT INTO UsersToBeIgnored...

    Though, I might have to partition that table, it's running the current file out of space. 🙂

    Then would you have multiple files in the partition? Would you span them across a gpt formatted volume? Should the volume be offset at 17.5k or something else?

    What are the performance implications?

    So what you are saying is the end result is that the partitioned table sucks for performance? 😉

    What if we have 8 files per partition per database? Would that make performance better?

    /Me hands Gail a wet fish, steps back out of the splatter zone...



    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
    Learn Extended Events

  • GilaMonster (2/24/2016)

    SQLRNNR (2/24/2016)

    GilaMonster (2/24/2016) (2/24/2016)

    /Me leans back, grabs bucket of popcorn

    Sure sounds like Gail answered the original question, yet for some reason the OP decided to focus on the comments about performance...

    INSERT INTO UsersToBeIgnored...

    Though, I might have to partition that table, it's running the current file out of space. 🙂

    Then would you have multiple files in the partition? Would you span them across a gpt formatted volume? Should the volume be offset at 17.5k or something else?

    What are the performance implications?

    So what you are saying is the end result is that the partitioned table sucks for performance? 😉

    What if we have 8 files per partition per database? Would that make performance better?

    Depends on what time sunset is and which planets are ascending.

    Jupiter Ascending

    Earth Ascending inversely

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
    Learn Extended Events

  • SQLRNNR (2/24/2016)

    GilaMonster (2/24/2016)

    SQLRNNR (2/24/2016)

    GilaMonster (2/24/2016) (2/24/2016)

    /Me leans back, grabs bucket of popcorn

    Sure sounds like Gail answered the original question, yet for some reason the OP decided to focus on the comments about performance...

    INSERT INTO UsersToBeIgnored...

    Though, I might have to partition that table, it's running the current file out of space. 🙂

    Then would you have multiple files in the partition? Would you span them across a gpt formatted volume? Should the volume be offset at 17.5k or something else?

    What are the performance implications?

    So what you are saying is the end result is that the partitioned table sucks for performance? 😉

    What if we have 8 files per partition per database? Would that make performance better?

    Depends on what time sunset is and which planets are ascending.

    Jupiter Ascending

    Earth Ascending inversely

    Pork Chops Away!:-D

    I get really tired of these moroffs blasting the likes of Gail when they don't actually have a clue. Hope he likes his own medicine. 😉

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
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    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Ed Wagner (2/24/2016)

    Luis Cazares (2/24/2016)

    rodjkidd (2/24/2016)

    Grumpy DBA (2/24/2016) (2/24/2016)

    /Me leans back, grabs bucket of popcorn

    Sure sounds like Gail answered the original question, yet for some reason the OP decided to focus on the comments about performance...

    Wow... slide over, hope you made enough popcorn for two.

    "You need to read questions properly before answering. Three times I stated the question and three times you have gone off on a tangent." Seriously?

    Yes I read that comment with some surprise

    Pity I now have a 4 hour plus drive ahead of me, would like to watch that one.

    Sounds as though they have made up their mind to do it, and just wants someone to say "yes that's right, go ahead and do that" :O


    Is the user name related to the attitude?

    I think so, Luis. I didn't see any tangents there. It looked like a standard request...response to me.

    Like Rodders said, they probably just want to do it. If someone else says to do it, then when it doesn't give them what they're looking for, they can point to the post and blame bad internet advice.

    My feeling exactly when I read the thread....the poster wants to be told it is a great idea and will work wonders. Maybe someone asked them "are you sure?" and they said "Of course, but let me get you proof from other people". And then that started falling flat when they were told....ummmm, won't work and this is why.


  • Jeff Moden (2/24/2016)

    SQLRNNR (2/24/2016)

    GilaMonster (2/24/2016)

    SQLRNNR (2/24/2016)

    GilaMonster (2/24/2016) (2/24/2016)

    /Me leans back, grabs bucket of popcorn

    Sure sounds like Gail answered the original question, yet for some reason the OP decided to focus on the comments about performance...

    INSERT INTO UsersToBeIgnored...

    Though, I might have to partition that table, it's running the current file out of space. 🙂

    Then would you have multiple files in the partition? Would you span them across a gpt formatted volume? Should the volume be offset at 17.5k or something else?

    What are the performance implications?

    So what you are saying is the end result is that the partitioned table sucks for performance? 😉

    What if we have 8 files per partition per database? Would that make performance better?

    Depends on what time sunset is and which planets are ascending.

    Jupiter Ascending

    Earth Ascending inversely

    Pork Chops Away!:-D

    I get really tired of these moroffs blasting the likes of Gail when they don't actually have a clue. Hope he likes his own medicine. 😉

    I swear we've had almost this exact conversation with identical jokes before.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

  • SQLRNNR (2/24/2016)

    GilaMonster (2/24/2016)

    SQLRNNR (2/24/2016)

    GilaMonster (2/24/2016) (2/24/2016)

    /Me leans back, grabs bucket of popcorn

    Sure sounds like Gail answered the original question, yet for some reason the OP decided to focus on the comments about performance...

    INSERT INTO UsersToBeIgnored...

    Though, I might have to partition that table, it's running the current file out of space. 🙂

    Then would you have multiple files in the partition? Would you span them across a gpt formatted volume? Should the volume be offset at 17.5k or something else?

    What are the performance implications?

    So what you are saying is the end result is that the partitioned table sucks for performance? 😉

    What if we have 8 files per partition per database? Would that make performance better?

    Depends on what time sunset is and which planets are ascending.

    Jupiter Ascending

    Earth Ascending inversely

    I disagree. Jupiter is descending.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass

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