Power BI Basics of Modeling: Star Schema and How to Build it
Now that you know about the dimension and fact tab...
Now that you know about the dimension and fact tab...
Jason Thomas and Gerhard Brueckl have both blogged on the subject of storing images as text inside a Power BI dataset: http://sqljason.com/2018/01/embedding-images-in-power-bi-using-base64.html https://blog.gbrueckl.at/base64/ Since they wrote those posts, however,...
One of the many big announcements at Build this week, and one that caused a lot of discussion on Twitter, was about Wrangling Data Flows in Azure Data Factory....
Adam walks through column profiling within the Power BI Desktop. This includes the latest updates with the general availability (GA) within the April 2019 Power BI Desktop release. Demo...
I have written previously about the use cases of Dataflow in Power BI, and one of them was using one Power Query table in multiple Power BI reports. However,...
Patrick walks you through how you can use Power BI to build a custom KPI scorecard. The key is the UNICHAR DAX function. Demo files: https://guyinacu.be/demofiles
The post Power BI:...
DMVs (Dynamic Management Views) are, as the Analysis Services documentation states, “queries that return information about model objects, server operations, and server health”. They’re also available in Azure Analysis...
After the dynamic titles in Power BI Desktop video, we had questions about how to do multi-select values. Patrick shows you how to do it! Demo files: https://guyinacu.be/demofiles
The post...
I have previously written about relationships and the cardinality of the relationship. Now is a good time to explain the two types of tables we deal with every day...
By Patrick
One of my customers recently wanted to rename each of the SQL audit files...
The post The pros and cons of self-service BI: What every industry leader should...
By Steve Jones
As this publishes, I’ll get taxiing down the runway at DIA (fingers crossed) and...
Morning all, I've inherited a small (on prem) SQL estate. I'm a DBA, used...
insert into NewKms8081..members SELECT (select u2.Id from SecurityKms8081..users u2 join SecurityKms8081..Import_users_barghGharb i2 on i2.code_personeli=u2.PersonnelNumber...
I am running SQL Server 20.2. When I copy a query into the query...
Which cloud sources can be used for the current Data Migration Assistant (Sep 2024)
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