
Technical Article

Script to find text in stored procedures

  • Script

This is a simple script that when used by command-line OSQL/ISQL can help you locate a stored procedure.How many times have you been looking for stored procedure code and could not find it?  This is a simple method to locate lost code.When you manage many database servers this can become a common problem.  The scenario […]

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Technical Article

Combine multiple rows into single output

  • Script

We can use this function to combine multiple rows into single one. Generally to create comma separated list for each unique item. So this can create comma separated product list for any given category. The same can be used to make a list of items in a given order.ThanksMohit Nayyarhttp://mohitnayyar.blogspot.com/

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Technical Article

LSTR() and RSTR(): Enhanced LEFT() and RIGHT()

  • Script

Quite often I need to cut off the first (or last) few characters of a string. To do just that I created two functions LSTR() and RSTR().Syntax: LSTR( @stringtocut, @length )Note: @stringtocut is trimmed in the functionWhen @length is equal or larger than zero, this function performs the same as LEFT( LTRIM(RTRIM(@stringtocut)), @length ).When @length […]

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Technical Article

finding the blocks in sql server

  • Script

Hai buddies,The following procedure can be used to find whether there are any blocks in the sql server.The procedure if run in Master database , can be used like any other system stored procedure from any database.The output of the proc will contain the followingSPID OF RUNNING APPLICATIONAPPLICATION NAMEEXECUTING DATABLOCKED (Y/N)BLOCKING SPIDBLOCKING APPLICATIONEXECUTING DATA (BLOCKING […]

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