cloud services

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Cloud Services for the DBA

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A critical part of any DBA's role is implementing the systems that will improve in the long term their organization's guardianship, use and understanding of its data. Too often, however, this gets lost in the fog of immediate and urgent tasks. Gareth Marlow explains why he believes Cloud services will play an increasingly prominent role in helping DBAs achieve their strategic goals.


3,856 reads

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Patterns For High Availability, Scalability, And Computing Power With Windows Azure

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Now, Internet-hosted distributed applications with connectivity to internal applications—often referred as Software plus Services (S+S)—are gaining popularity. Organizations are leveraging datacenters hosted by third parties to alleviate concerns about hardware, software, reliability, and scalability. These are just some of the new architecture trends that help you build interoperable applications that scale, reduce capital expenditure, and improve reliability. Cloud computing offers many of these benefits.


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Access Your Data On Premise Or In The Cloud With ADO.NET Data Services

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Web Services has been a hot topic for a number of years now, but what, you may wonder, are these Data Services everyone's talking about lately? As the architecture of Web applications has changed and matured (with the popularity of Rich Internet Applications [RIAs], for example), there has been an increased awareness of the value of exposing raw data, minus any interface or formatting, to any service or application that wants to consume it.


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A New Word: Vicarous


vicarous – adj. curious to know what someone else would do if they were...

SQL Server Cross Platform Availability Groups and Kubernetes


Say we have a database that we want to migrate a copy of into...

Using Managed Identities with Azure SQL DB


We are trying to get apps and users off of using SQL accounts to...

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We Stink!

By Grant Fritchey

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View works for me ...but doesn't return results for a user in SSMS but no errors

By krypto69

Hi I have this view to check if a job is running:   SELECT...

Dark mode, other color schemes

By mjdemaris

All, if you are like me and do not care for the built-in color...

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Internal Checkpoints

Certain internal SQL Server actions cause internal checkpoints. Which of these actions does not cause an internal checkpoint?

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