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Useful new DMV’s in SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1 and SQL Server 2012


Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 and SP1 and SQL Server 2012 has a new set of DMVs that includes sys.dm_server_memory_dumps, sys.dm_server_registry, sys.dm_server_services, sys.dm_os_windows_info, sys.dm_os_volume_stats and sys.dm_exec_query_stats. These DMVs can be used to return the information about SQL Server configuration and installation, memory dumps related information and information that can be useful to diagnose problems and tune query performance.

In this article, I’ll cover the purpose and use of these new DMVs of SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1 and SQL Server 2012 (DENALI):

1) sys.dm_server_memory_dumps – It contains the infomation about memory dumps files generated by the SQL Server Database Engine. It returns 3 columns listed as below:

Column NameData typeDescriptionAttribute
filenamenvarchar(256)Memory dump file name and path.NOT NULL
creation_timedatetimeoffset(7)Date and time the file was created.NOT NULL
size_in_bytesbigintSize of the memory dump file in bytes.NULL


USE [master]
SELECT * FROM sys.dm_server_memory_dumps 




Currently there are no memory dump files are available but if you see any on your SQL Server then alert your SQL Server DBA, because memory dumps can be serious and could lead to data corrouption and other problems.


Requires VIEW SERVER STATE permission on the server.

MSDN reference:

2) sys.dm_server_registry – This DMV contains the configuration and installation information for the current instance of SQL Server that is stored in Windows registry. This DMV returns one row per registry key. It returns 3 columns listed as below:

Column NameData typeDescriptionAttribute
registry_keynvarchar(256)Stores name of registry key.NULL
value_namenvarchar(256)Stores the name of key value. In Windows Registry Editor this item is shown under Name column.NULL
value_datasql_variantStores value of the key data. In Windows Registry Editor this item is shown under Data column.NULL


In old version of SQL Server you can access the Windows registry information via xp..regread. This DMV is use full if you want to audit the configuration of your SQL Server.


USE [master]
SELECT * FROM sys.dm_server_registry



Requires VIEW SERVER STATE permission on the server.

MSDN reference:

3) sys.dm_server_services – The initial version of this DMV that was released in SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1 only returns information about SQL Server and SQL Agent service. In SQL Server 2012 it also returns information about Full-text service.

This DMV returns one row per service. It returns 11 columns listed as below:

Column NameData typeDescriptionAttribute
servicenamenvarchar(256)Stores name of the SQL Server, Full-text or SQL Server Agent service.NOT NULL
startup_typeintIndicates start mode of the SQL Server, Full-text or SQL Server Agent service.

0Other (boot start)
1Other (system start)
startup_descnvarchar(256)Describe the start mode of the SQL Server, Full-text or SQL Server Agent service.

OtherOther (boot start)
OtherOther (system start)
AutomaticAuto start
ManualDemand start
statusintIndicates the existing status of the SQL Server, Full-text and SQL Agent service.

2Other (start pending)
3Other (stop pending)
5Other (continue pending)
6Other (pause pending)


status_descnvarchar(256)Describe the existing status of the SQL Server, Full-text and SQL Agent service.

StoppedService is currently stopped.
Other (start pending)Service is in the process of starting.
Other (stop pending)Service is in the process of stopping.
RunningService is currently running.
Other (continue pending)Service is in pending state.
Other (pause pending)Service is in the process of pausing.
PausedService is currently paused.


process_idintStores the process id of the SQL Server, Full-text and SQL Agent service.NOT NULL
last_startup_timedatetimeoffset(7)Stores the date and time when the SQL Server, Full-text and SQL Agent service was last started.NULL
service­_accountnvarchar(256)Stores the account name of authorized account to control the service.NOT NULL
filenamenvarchar(256)Stores the full OS path of service executable.NOT NULL
is_clusterednvarchar(1)Indicates whether the service is installed as a resource of the cluster server.NOT NULL
cluster_nodenamenvarchar(256)Stores the names of the cluster nodes.NULL


In old versions of SQL Server you can access the same information by accessing the Windows registry information for the service via xp..regread. This DMV is useful if you want to audit the what services are installed as part of the SQL installation.


USE [master]
SELECT * FROM sys.dm_server_services



Requires VIEW SERVER STATE permission on the server.

MSDN reference:

4) sys.dm_os_windows_info – The DMV returns detailed information about Windows OS version for example the release number, service pack level and language version of SQL Server Windows OS. This DMV returns only one row with four columns listed as below:

Column NameData typeDescriptionAttribute
windows_releasenvarchar(256)Stores the Windows OS release number.NOT NULL
windows_service_pack_levelnvarchar(256)Store the service pack level of Windows operating system.NOT NULL
Windows_skuintStores ID of Windows Socket Keeping Unit (SKU)NULL
os_language_versionintStores Windows locale identifier (LCID) of the operating system.NOT NULL


In old versions of SQL Server you can access the same information by accessing the Windows registry information for the OS via xp..regread.


USE [master]
SELECT * FROM sys.dm_os_windows_info



Requires VIEW SERVER STATE permission on the server.

MSDN reference:

5) sys.dm_os_volume_stats – The DMV returns Windows OS volume information on which the database files resides. It takes two parameters i.e. database_id (ID of the database) and file_id (ID of the database file). This DMV returns 13 columns listed as below:

Column NameData typeDescriptionAttribute
database_idintID of the database.NOT NULL
file_idintID of the file.NOT NULL
volume_mount_pointnvarchar(512)Mount point at which the volume is rooted. Can return an empty string.NOT NULL
volume_idnvarchar(512)Operating system volume ID. Can return an empty stringNOT NULL
logical_volume_namenvarchar(512)Logical volume name. Can return an empty stringNOT NULL
file_system_typenvarchar(512)Type of file system volume (for example, NTFS, FAT, RAW). Can return an empty stringNOT NULL
total_bytesbigintTotal size of the volume in bytes.NOT NULL
available_bytesbigintAvailable free space on the volume in bytes.NOT NULL
supports_compressionbitIndicates if the volume supports operating system compression.NOT NULL
supports_alternate_streamsbitIndicates if the volume supports alternate streams.NOT NULL
supports_sparse_filesbitIndicates if the volume supports sparse files.NOT NULL
is_read_onlybitIndicates if the volume is currently marked as read only.NOT NULL
is_compressedbitIndicates if this volume is currently compressed.NOT NULL


In old versions of SQL Server you can access the same information by writing your own CLR procedure by using one of the .NET framework languages.


USE [master]
SELECT * FROM sys.dm_os_volume_stats (database_id, file_id)



Requires VIEW SERVER STATE permission on the server.

MSDN reference:

6) sys.dm_exec_query_stats – This existing DMV has new columns added that return very useful information. These new columns are listed as below:

  • total_rows – Returns the total number of rows returned by the query
  • last_rows – Returns the total number of rows returned by last execution of the query.
  • min_rows – Returns the minimum number of rows query returned over the number of times that the plan has executed since it was last compiled.
  • max_rows – Returns the maximum number of rows query returned over the number of times that the plan has executed since it was last compiled.


USE [master]
SELECT * FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats



Requires VIEW SERVER STATE permission on the server.

MSDN reference:


In this article, I’ve covered the new useful DMVs of SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1 and SQL Server 2012 (DENALI). These DMVs help us to manage our SQL Servers efficiently by returning some very useful information. It is difficult to retrieve similar kind of information in older versions of SQL Servers and one need to write lengthy bespoke code to retrieve the similar information returned by these DMVs. I’ve already written some SSRS queries by using these DMVs which details the useful information which our companies auditors needs to audit our our SQL Servers.


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