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Upcoming Conferences: SQLSaturdays in Denmark and Portugal. – Presenting In-Memory OLTP Deep-Dive for Administrators



Im März und April finden 2 europäischen SQLSaturdays statt, die Potential zu einem Geheimtipp haben:

Am 29. März in Kopenhagen, Dänemark
ind am 12. April in Lissabon, Portugal.

Da ich auch letztes Jahr bereits in Kopenhagen als Sprecher dabei war, kann ich aus erster Hand für die exzellente Organisation und Sprecherauswahl verbürgen.

Und für Portugal verbürgt mein sehr geschätzter Kollege Niko Neugebauer (Blog, Twitter:@NikoNeugebauer) – nach allem, was bisher „geleaked“ ist, wird es wieder ein Kongeniales Event. Würdig der ersten SQLSaturday-Location in Europa überhaupt.

In March and April, 2 European SQLSaturdays take place, which have the potential for a real insiders’ tip:

On March 29th in Copenhagen, Denmark
and April 12th in Lisbon, Portugal.

Since I already participated as a speaker in Copenhagen last year, I can avouch from “insider information” for the excellent organization and speaker choice.

And my much valued collegue Niko Neugebauer (Blog, Twitter:@NikoNeugebauer) vouches for Portugal – after all what has “leaked” in th emeantine, it will be another congenial event. Condign to the first SQLSaturday-Location in Europe ever.


Ich möchte zumindest einige, mir persönlich bekannte Sprecher namentlich erwähnen, aber gleich betonen, dass auch alle anderen Sessions definitiv einen Blick Wert sind(!):

In Dänemark sind dabei:

Die vollständige Agenda befindet sich hier:

I would like to at least name some speakers, which I personally know, by name, but I would also like to stress immediately, that also all other sessions are definitely worth looking at just as well:

In Denmark there will be:

I am excited to see all of you again soon!

The complete Agenda can be found here:

I am excited to see all of you again soon in Copenhagen!


In Portugal sind dabei:

Die vollständige Agenda befindet sich hier:

In Portugal there will be:

The complete Agenda can be found here:

I am excited to see all of you again soon in Lisbon!

Und meine Wenigkeit, was präsentiere ich?
Nachdem ich mich nun seit November 2013, wo ich die neue Technologie in Deutschland erstmalig öffentlich präsentierte, eingehend mit eXtreme Transactional Processing, der neuen, integrierten, In-Memory Engine des SQL Server beschäftige, gibt es nun den Deep-Dive für Administratoren:

And my humble self, what am I presenting?
After I have been engaged deeply with eXtreme Transactional Processing, the new, integrated, In-Memory Engine of SQL Server, since November 2013, where I presented this new technology for the first time publically in Germany, I will now give a Deep-Dive for Administrators:


SQL Server 2014 In-Memory OLTP / XTP Management Deep Dive
@SQLSaturday Denmark & Portugal

You have heard about Hekaton, respectively the new acronym XTP (eXtreme Transactional Processing) and you want to know how it works under the cover? In this session we will take a closer look at the architecture, where the performance benefits come from and how it works in detail. What kind of files is SQL Server using for transactional consistency, what happens when you delete data inside the log and inside the data files. We will see the Merge-Process and the Garbage Collector in action, see how memory management works for XTP enabled databases, and thereby get an in-depth understanding of how this completely new storage engine works and how to optimize for it.


CU in Copenhagen, Lisbon.. or at another conference soon 🙂




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