Blog Post

Tiny Homes


Over the course of my life I’ve lived in a few different places; small home, apartment, pup tent, large tent, barracks, and a large home. All had their advantages and disadvantages, and like much in life, it always seems the grass is greener on the other side. I enjoy the space I get in a larger home, but with it comes more of everything and not all of it is fun; paint, weeds, and taxes for example.

So when I saw this video about a 89 square foot house, I was intrigued. I don’t yearn to downsize quite that far (or even at all right now), but there is something simple, maybe even romantic in a ‘go west young man’ kind of way about having a just big enough house that is nice. All the more startling when you really think about it, my home office is 140 square feet.

Its turned into a business and I wish him well. It won’t be for everyone, but for some, it will be exactly what they needed. Lot easier to be green and self sustaining in a house that size.


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