Blog Post

sys.sql_modules vs. INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Routines


Consider the following two queries meant to search for a keyword in SQL programmability objects.

select +'.' +, o.type_desc, m.definition

from sys.sql_modules m

inner join sys.objects o on m.object_id = o.object_id

inner join sys.schemas s on s.schema_id = o.schema_id

where definition like '%dataserver2%'

order by

select r.SPECIFIC_SCHEMA + '.' + r.SPECIFIC_NAME, r.routine_type, r.ROUTINE_DEFINITION

from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.routines r

where ROUTINE_DEFINITION like '%dataserver2%'

order by ROUTINE_NAME 

While the INFORMATION_SCHEMA is ANSI compliant and therefore may be more familiar to Oracle or IBM folks, I recommend using sys.sql_modules instead.  
I'll throw a LEN(m.definition) and LEN(r.ROUTINE_DEFINITION) on those queries and show:
Same results out of the search, but ROUTINES returns the first 4000 characters, as opposed to the output of sys.sql_modules which is an nvarchar(max). 
What's most dangerous about that?  If you're searching for a string in your database objects and that string happens to be in line past the 4000-character mark, a query on INFORMATION_SCHEMA will fail to return the object as a match.

Consider these two queries on the SQL 2012 RTM ReportServer database:

select +'.' +, o.type_desc, m.definition

from sys.sql_modules m

inner join sys.objects o on m.object_id = o.object_id

inner join sys.schemas s on s.schema_id = o.schema_id

where m.DEFINITION like '%            AND OwnerID = @OwnerID%'

order by

select r.SPECIFIC_SCHEMA + '.' + r.SPECIFIC_NAME, r.routine_type, r.ROUTINE_DEFINITION

from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.routines r

where r.ROUTINE_DEFINITION like '%            AND OwnerID = @OwnerID%'

order by ROUTINE_NAME 

And here's the output:
Consider also this cryptic, foreboding warning all over MSDN:
And you'll see why I prefer to stick with my sys objects instead of INFORMATION_SCHEMA when searching code.
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