Blog Post

SQLSaturday#380 NYC Event Update - Pre-cons Announced!


Welcome to SQLSaturday #380 - Precons Announced!

In addition to the extraordinary extravaganza SQLSaturday NYC event we have planned for Saturday, May 30, 2015, we are pleased to announce our awesome FULL DAY Precons, by some of our favorite MVPs and industry SQL experts!  This is a special training treat for us Big Apple attendees! 

We have TWO (2) excellent Pre-Cons lined up that will take place on FRIDAY MAY 29, 2015 at 11 Times Square, Microsoft New York Metro District Office, New York, NY 10036.   (the day before SQLSaturday#380)

The gentlemen that will be providing our precon presentations are: BRADLEY BALL & JORGE SEGARRA (precon#1) and ALLAN HIRT (precon#2) <-- For FULL details and course outlines, click on the highlighted links!

This is a fabulous first for SQLSaturday NY! - YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED. The only bad news is, you'll have to decide which one of these fantstic pre-cons you're going to attend, as they will be going on parallel tracks 🙁

We are going to have two Precon events be sure to check them out and register ASAP!!  Seating is LIMITED, and will go super fast!

You must register separately (links provided below) and keep in mind

these are paid event$.  The price of entry is definitely worth the cost

of admission, for these in-depth training and learning events!


Ball and Jorge Segarra will be doing a Full Day Precon on SQL Server

Performance Tuning for $149.   Make sure to get your seat early. Register NOW


Hirt will be doing a Full Day Precon on The good, Bad and Ugly of

AlwaysON Availability Groups.  There is a early bird special until 5/1

for $299.  That's a $200 discount so Register NOW!

There were so many excellent submissions, but we could only pick 2 - and we did so by democratic vote. Thank you for stopping by and reading this random blog 😉


is a training event for SQL Server professionals and those wanting to

learn about SQL Server. This event will be held May 30 2015 at 11 Times

Square, Microsoft New York Metro District Office, New York, NY 10036.  Please register soon as

seating is limited, and let friends and colleagues know about the event. REGISTER FOR THE MAIN EVENT SQLSATURDAY NYC.

See you there!!!

Follow me on twitter @Pearlknows, for SQL community & product news, blogs, updates, opinion, and SQLSaturday event updates!


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