Blog Post

Speaking at SQL Server Days 2015


I have the great pleasure to announce I’m speaking for the 5th time at the Belgian SQL Server Days! The SQL Server Days is the largest SQL Server conference in the Benelux (and maybe beyond :)) and is hosted by It will be great to see the #sqlfamily again. A lot of amazing speakers have been announced, such as Aaron Bertrand, Klaus Aschenbrenner, Nico Jacobs, Denny Cherry, Matan Yungman, Niko Neugebauer, Dejan Serka and many, many more (listing them all would make this sentence way too long :)). There are also some excellent precons (too many to choose from).

My session is titled What’s new for Business Intelligence in SQL Server 2016.
The abstract:

The preview of SQL Server 2016 has been released right before the summer and it already seems this will be the biggest Business Intelligence release ever! A lot of features and improvements have been announced for SSIS, SSAS, SSRS and even MDS. In this session, you’ll get an overview of what you can expect in SQL Server 2016, accompanied with live demonstrations of course.

Expect demos of SSIS (of whatever they have released at that point in time), temporal tables and SSAS Tabular. And hopefully a lot more when CTP3 is released. You’ll also get an overview of what you can expect of SQL Server 2016 when it will be released. Normally I won’t discuss Power BI features, unless relevant.

You can check the agenda here. You have until today (15 July) to register with the early bird discount! Hurry!



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