Blog Post

Speaker at SQL Saturday’s Guatemala city 2019


I’m very happy to announce that for the second year in a row I will be participating as speaker in this year’s SQL Saturday event in Guatemala city!

Here are the details of the two sessions I will be presenting on February 16:

  • Azure Fundamentals for the SQL Server DBA:

    This is an intro session, where I explore the options that Microsoft Azure offers when deploying SQL Server solutions in the cloud.

  • SQL Server containers on Docker, Kubernetes and more:

    This session is about with SQL Server running on Docker containers or Kubernetes. This is topic that I personally enjoy very much to talk about, because is what database experts call “The Future of Database Infrastructure”.

This year is a little bit different for me, because the Guatemala SQL Server User group (that I happen to be the leader) will have more participation. Also will like to take advantage of this post thank our user group sponsors MSSQL Tips and Sentry One that offered us help with some swag for the event and also our monthly meeting events.

As any SQL Saturday event organized by PASS, you can register and attend for FREE, this is a really good opportunity to get training for free, networking and also to have fun! Don’t miss this opportunity, it takes less than five minutes to register. You can do it here.

Looking forward to see you there!!!

The post Speaker at SQL Saturday’s Guatemala city 2019 appeared first on DBA MASTERY.


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